Articles by Frances D'Emilio and Seth Borenstein

Borenstein is AP Science Writer.

Triple-Whammy of Cyclones, a 1-in-200-Year Event, Drove Italy’s Flooding: Scientists

A rare, triple-whammy of cyclones drove the deadly flooding that devastated much of northern Italy this month, but scientists said Wednesday that climate change doesn’t seem to be to blame for the intense rainfall. Using computer simulations and past observations, …

Scientists Probe Sudden Spike in Ocean Temperatures

The world’s oceans have suddenly spiked much hotter and well above record levels in the last few weeks, with scientists trying to figure out what it means and whether it forecasts a surge in atmospheric warming. Some researchers think the …

The U.S. Leads the World in Weather Catastrophes โ€“ Here’s Why

The United States is Earth’s punching bag for nasty weather. Blame geography for the U.S. getting hit by stronger, costlier, more varied and frequent extreme weather than anywhere on the planet, several experts said. Two oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, …

La Nina Is Gone. These Were the Deadly Storms During its Run

La Nina seemed to treat Louisiana and the rest of the Southeast United States like a punching bag. Its three-year barrage of body blows has come to an end, but left behind a lot of scars from hurricanes and tornadoes …

Study Says Back-to-Back Hurricanes Likely to Come More Often

What used to be a rare one-two punch of consecutive hurricanes hitting about the same place in the United States weeks apart seems to be happening more often, and a new study says climate change will make back-to-back storms more …

How One Computer Forecast Model Botched Hurricane Ian

As Hurricane Ian bore down on Florida, normally reliable computer forecast models couldn’t agree on where the killer storm would land. But government meteorologists are now figuring out what went wrong โ€“ and right. Much of the forecasting variation seems …

Study: Four Major Tipping Points Close to Triggering Hotter Temps

Even if the world somehow manages to limit future warming to the strictest international temperature goal, four Earth-changing climate “tipping points” are still likely to be triggered, with a lot more looming as the planet heats more after that, a …

Decade Old Climate Report Warned of Extreme Weather

Record high temperatures in urban Europe as heat waves bake the planet more often. Devastating floods, some in unprepared areas. Increasing destruction from hurricanes. Drought and famine in poorer parts of Africa as dry spells worsen across the globe. Wild …

Greenland’s Melting ‘Zombie Ice’ Will Raise Global Sea Level by 10 Inches: Report

Greenland’s rapidly melting ice sheet will eventually raise global sea level by at least 10.6 inches (27 centimeters) — more than twice as much as previously forecast, according to a study published Monday. That’s because of something that could be …

Weather Whiplash: Summer Lurches From Drought to Flood

Parts of northern Texas, mired in a drought labeled as extreme and exceptional, are flooding under torrential rain. In a drought. Sound familiar? It should. The Dallas region is just the latest drought-suffering-but-flooded locale during a summer of extreme weather …