Articles by Seth Borenstein

Borenstein is AP Science Writer.

Forecasters Unsure What to Expect This Tornado Season

Tornado season is starting, but don’t ask meteorologists how bad it will be this spring and summer. They don’t know. They’re having a hard enough time getting a fix on the likely path of storms expected in the next 48 …

Tornado Chasers Prepare for High Season

With the month of March looming, United States tornado chasers are already watching the Southeast as a nasty storm brews with the potential to spin off a batch of tornadoes. But if funnel clouds develop Thursday or Friday as some …

U.S. Taking a Beating from Disasters

Nature is pummeling the United States this year with extremes. Unprecedented triple-digit heat and devastating drought. Deadly tornadoes leveling towns. Massive rivers overflowing. A billion-dollar blizzard. And now, unusual hurricane-caused flooding in Vermont. If what’s falling from the sky isn’t …

Gulf Coast Oil Spill Compared to Category 5 Hurricane

What makes an oil spill really bad? Most of the ingredients for it are now blending in the Gulf of Mexico. Experts tick off the essentials: A relentless flow of oil from under the sea; a type of crude that …

Insurer’s Study Shows U.S. Refineries Plagued by Deadly Accidents

On the heels of a Tesoro refinery blast in Washington that killed five people, an insurance company report obtained by The Associated Press noted that U.S. oil refineries have an ongoing problem with accidents that turn deadly, losing four times …

Insurer’s Study Shows U.S. Refineries Plagued by Deadly Accidents

U.S. oil refineries have an ongoing problem with accidents that turn deadly, losing four times as much money from such incidents than refineries in the rest of the world, according to an insurance company report obtained by The Associated Press. …

Europe Feels Left Out in Cold on Climate Change Deal

It’s a climate deal that has Europe feeling left out in the cold. The continent that used to take the lead in advocating climate action is now taking the lead in climate complaining. And it’s not just upset with the …

Sky Is Falling: What’s the Chance of Space Debris Hitting Earthlings?

Giant chunks of manmade space junk — like the dead satellite that the U.S. government recently shot down — regularly fall to Earth. Yet no one has ever been reported hurt by them. Chunks of debris weighing two tons or …

OSHA Hit for Lack of Safety Rules on Deadly Dust Explosions

Top federal safety officials urged the Labor Department in 2006 to adopt critical regulations to prevent deadly dust explosions– like the one suspected in the deadly blast in a Georgia sugar plant last Thursday– but the government has failed to …

Best Bridge Inspections Involve More Than Meets the Eye, Say Experts

The main protection against collapsing bridges in America are the eyes and ears of inspectors like Jody Ferris, who on Friday was checking a repaired weld on a 34-year-old bridge with some pretty low-tech tools: flashlight, hammer, ruler and camera. …