Articles by Silla Brush

EU’s Data Privacy Law Places AI Use in Insurance Under Closer Scrutiny

Regulators are beginning to teach robots who’s the boss. After spending billions of dollars on cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies, Europe’s banks and insurers face tougher scrutiny of the tools they use to help root out fraud, check borrowers’ creditworthiness and …

UK Regulators Seek to Reassure Insurers, Banks About Brexit Transition Period

U.K. financial regulators sought to reassure banks and insurers that they can rely on a transition period to ease their adjustment to Brexit, putting pressure on the European Union to do the same. The statements on Wednesday from the Bank …

Bank of England Seeks Brexit Deal to Cover Derivative, Insurance Contracts

The Bank of England said an agreement is needed as part of the Brexit process to protect the “long-term validity” of 20 trillion pounds ($27.1 trillion) of existing derivative contracts. The BOE’s Financial Policy Committee said on Monday that after …

Senate Banking Chair Shelby Unveils Financial Regulation Reform Bill

The head of the Senate Banking Committee unveiled his long-awaited bill to toughen oversight of the Federal Reserve and ease the regulatory burden on dozens of banks, setting off what could be intense negotiations with Democrats. In legislation that Senator …