Articles by Simon Challis

AIG Woes Offer Double Benefit for Insurance Rivals

Insurance rivals stand to reap the benefits from the woes of American International Group, snapping up assets AIG is forced to sell while gaining greater pricing power as AIG pulls in its claws. Zurich Financial Services and other insurance rivals …

Reinsurers Seeking Sidecars to Ride Out Next Big Storm

As Hurricane Ike takes aim at the Gulf of Mexico, triggering memories of 2005’s devastating storms, reinsurers see temporary underwriting vehicles as the solution to their capital needs in the event of “the Big One” — a disaster costing them …

Reinsurers Under Pressure in Monte Carlo

Darker economic clouds are gathering over the world’s reinsurers as they travel to the Mediterranean coast this weekend to kick-off crucial pricing discussions with their insurance clients in Monte Carlo. Reinsurers should fly down to the south of France in …

European Banks Expected to Sell Insurance Businesses as Credit Crunch Takes Toll

Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc’s decision to sell its insurance business is likely to prompt a string of other banks to reconsider the strategic value of owning insurers. Faced with billions of dollars in writedowns, bankers expect lenders to …

Disaster Derivatives Set to Grow in 2008

With the United States bracing for big hurricanes this year, new derivatives to trade catastrophe risks offer insurers the extra protection they crave against multi-billion-dollar storms. Trading of “catastrophe derivatives” has begun on several exchanges, allowing insurers to hedge exposure …