Articles by Sky Barnhart

Preparing for the Unthinkable

Although another terrorist attack is a concept too awful to imagine, as an industry, our job is to protect against the unthinkable. That’s why insurers and reinsurers alike are lining up to support the creation of a federally backed insurance …

The Strength to Rise

They say we do not know what we have until it’s gone. As Americans, we have been wrenched from our insulated lives and plunged into something much greater than ourselves. But the love we have for our country has never …

Singin’ the Hard-to-Place Blues

Ever had a really obscure risk and no idea where to look for a market? As it turns out, you’re not alone. The forum for “Hard-to-Place Accounts” is rapidly becoming the new hotspot on as a resource for agents. …

Credit Scoring: No Surprises

The public doesn’t like surprises—especially when those secrets involve the use of personal financial info. Credit scoring has been around for years, but like the use of non-OEM parts, it’s safe to say that the public is not overly aware …

e-Business Moving Slowly but Steadily in Wholesale Marketplace

The insurance industry is beginning to utilize technology to more efficiently conduct business, but that integration is a long, slow process, according to a panel of wholesalers and market leaders. Shand Morahan & Company Inc. recently hosted a live teleconference …

Good PR Pays for Itself

In this era of downsizing and restructuring, it’s typically the first area to be cut. The marketing and public relations department does not have a dollar sign on its door; but while work here may be less tangible, its effects …

Slogging Away in Workers’ Comp

When will the workers’ comp market get a break? Claim costs are climbing. Litigation is lingering. Rates are rising but are still insufficient. Legislation has yet to provide a measure of relief for insurers. And of course, the cooling economy …

Let ‘Hands-Free’dom Ring

There are three kinds of cell phone users: Type 1 is a Non-User—they may have one, but it is rarely turned on, often left at home, mainly existing for emergencies. Type 2 is a Moderate User—they keep it close by …

Young Agents Stand at the Threshold as Industries Collide

They were young, they were hungry and they didn’t mind the heat. More than 290 young agents converged on Rancho Mirage for the 26th Annual Young Brokers and Agents Conference June 7-10. The hard work of YBA staff and the …

Losing Sleep Over Privacy

In the last issue, I wrote about getting a grip on GLBA. As we creep closer to the July 1 deadline, I think the subject needs some more clarification. Last week, a reader called me in a panic wondering if …