Articles by Sky Barnhart

Playing the Green: Insuring Golf Courses

It’s a well known fact in the insurance industry that we are also, in large part, the golf industry. Nine times out of 10, a golf tournament will accompany a convention. Want to raise money for charity? Sponsor a golf …

Alliance Conference Report: Joseph, Pouliot Deem Industry Secure

Speakers at the recent American Agents Alliance Conference & Expo 2000 in San Diego had a similar message of hope and of change for the independent insurance agency system. Alliance President Herb Jones, who welcomed everyone at the Opening General …

Alliance Conference Report: Joseph, Pouliot Deem Industry Secure

Speakers at the recent American Agents Alliance Conference & Expo 2000 in San Diego had a similar message of hope and of change for the independent insurance agency system. Alliance President Herb Jones, who welcomed everyone at the Opening General …

Storm Chasers: ICAT Covers Catastrophes from Coast to Coast

Like the tornado chasers in the movie “Twister,” International Catastrophe Insurance Managers LLC (ICAT) keeps pushing into new territory where others hang back. ICAT, which currently underwrites catastrophe risks in California, Texas, Florida and the Pacific Northwest, recently announced its …

Rolling Out the Dough for the Presidential Campaign

Want to know how to make your vote count in the Presidential campaign? Start buying cookies! It’s the best thing since Girl Scout cookies: America Chews Entertainment Group Inc. is conducting “America’s most half-baked presidential poll,” through online sales of …

Superior National Headed for Liquidation

Obtaining a Liquidation Order is the next step in the rehabilitation plan for the Superior National Insurance Companies, which were taken over by the California Department of Insurance (CDI) on March 3, 2000. The order will invoke the claims paying …

Labor Day and the Livin’ is Easy for American Agents Alliance

The American Agents Alliance will be spending Labor Day Weekend in sunny San Diego this year, celebrating Conference & Expo 2000 at the Hyatt Regency San Diego. The conference takes place Aug. 30-Sept. 3, and the usual assortment of seminars, …

Tragic Concorde Crash Could Wrack Up Losses for European Insurers

Insurers could pay out more than $320 million as a result of the July 25 Air France Concorde crash that killed 113 people, according to the Guardian, a U.K. newspaper. The supersonic jet went down just after taking off from …

The Cocktail Reception: An Invaluable Networking Tool

It can be boring, it can be awkward, it can be downright painful. But the cocktail reception is an integral part of American business society, and getting the most out of it can not only improve your social life, but …


“You put up these buildings. Even though no one has noticed anything wrong, no one has been injured, nothing has been damaged; by virtue of the fact that you put them up, there must be defects in them. Therefore we …