Articles by Sky Barnhart

From the Newsroom: Feeling a Little Shaky after the ‘Ultimate Seismic Jolt’

Ever sit back and watch an earthquake? Not a bad spectator sport, although you may come away feeling a little shaky yourself. On June 21, I joined a group of earthquake experts, contractors, students and journalists at University of California …

Cracks in the Plaster: Construction Defect Litigation

“You put up these buildings. Even though no one has noticed anything wrong, no one has been injured, nothing has been damaged; by virtue of the fact that you put them up, there must be defects in them. Therefore we …

Quackenbush Resigns From Office, Kelso Named Chief Deputy

On July 10, Chuck Quackenbush quietly filled out his last day as Insurance Commissioner of the State of California. Quackenbush signed his official letter of resignation on June 28 after months of allegations that he used millions of dollars from …

Just E-Sign on the Dotted Line

The Internet can stand up and take a bow. It just received a hearty endorsement in the form of the unanimous Senate passage on June 15 of S. 761, “Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.” Passage of the …

Natural Disaster Reform Legislation Reaches a Turning Point

Nobody likes to lose their shirt, least of all insurers. So it’s no surprise that, following the huge losses caused by natural disasters in the past few years, insurers have bolted from the homeowners market, leaving behind a lack of …

A Hard Sell for the CDI

Although the California Department of Insurance (CDI) is still tied up in the defense of its Insurance Commissioner, the sale of Superior National Insurance Co. remains a high priority item on the department’s “To Do” list. After the CDI seized …

Frazier Finds Ultimate Success as ‘Small Agent in a Small Town’

In his nearly 50 years in the insurance industry, George Frazier never expected to receive an award from the President of the United States. That the President would be his boyhood friend from Arkansas, Bill Clinton, was even further fetched. …

Making a Sales Call on Capitol Hill

“You’ve got to go to this conference, you can’t miss it,” IIAA vice president-public affairs Jeff Myers told me repeatedly. So, on April 30 I hopped on a red-eye flight to attend the Independent Insurance Agents of America National Legislative …

President Clinton Honors IIAA Past Pres. at Conference

A typically charismatic speech by President Bill Clinton was the highlight of an already stellar 24th Annual National Legislative Conference for the Independent Insurance Agents of America (IIAA). The President appeared at the Grand Hyatt Washington on May 2 to … Goes Live with New Features, Breaking News

¥ About one-quarter of all p/c policies for homeowners will be sold online by 2003. ¥ Online insurance sales are expected to reach $4.1 billion in 2003 and grow to $6.3 billion by 2006. ¥ An estimated 40 percent of …