Articles by Sky Barnhart Goes Live with New Features, Breaking News

• About one-quarter of all p/c policies for homeowners will be sold online by 2003. • Online insurance sales are expected to reach $4.1 billion in 2003 and grow to $6.3 billion by 2006. • An estimated 40 percent of …

Snowmobiling:The New Craze Offers a Mountain of Opportunities

The snowmobile: fun and safe family transport vehicle, or the motorcycle of the Great White Outback? It all depends on whom you talk to. Snowmobilers in Canada and the United States spend more than $9 billion on their sport each …

American Names Set to Take on Lloyd’s of London on Home Turf

The accusations are fierce, the stories heart-wrenching. Lost homes, marriages, fortunes and even lives are piling up on the doorstep of Lloyd’s of London, which has been accused for years of not disclosing potential huge losses from asbestos and pollution …

Insurance Groups Accuse OSHA of Overstepping Its Boundaries

No one would call the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) a wildly popular entity, but lately, it has been making its presence even more unwelcome. OSHA’s recent proposed ergonomic standard is on the table in a series of public …