Articles by Stefan Nicola and Kristen Schweizer

Hacked Adulterers’ Website Faces Reputation Risk; 36M Users Fear Being Outed

Hackers claiming to have stolen data from, a website that facilitates hook-ups between would-be adulterers, have released information they say includes details of more than 36 million user accounts. The data dump appears to be “legit” and includes full …

Allianz to Boost Clean-Energy Investments; Eyes U.S. Wind Market

Allianz SE is boosting its investments in clean-energy in the coming years and is looking to enter the U.S. wind market. The insurer’s Allianz Deutschland unit will raise its annual investment into renewables, mainly wind, about 75 percent to 350 …

G-7 Pushes for Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by End of This Century

Some of the world’s richest nations threw their weight behind a plan to stamp out fossil-fuel emissions by the end of the century in an unprecedented show of unity on climate change. The Group of Seven is pushing to “decarbonize,” …

Arctic Melt Creates Weakest Gulf Stream in 1,000 Years, Weather Shifts Expected

Gulf Stream water currents in the Atlantic Ocean have slowed to the weakest in as long as 1,000 years, threatening shifts in U.S. and European weather, as well as coastal sea levels including in New York and Boston. The currents …

Russia Will Suffer Ukraine Economic, Political Fallout for Years: Euler Hermes

Russia will suffer the economic and political fallout of the Ukraine crisis for years to come, according to Euler Hermes Group, the world’s biggest trade credit insurer. Euler Hermes expects Russia’s economy to contract 5.5 percent this year and 4 …

Global Climate Deal Blueprint Emerges From UN Gathering in Geneva

Envoys from some 190 nations are taking more seriously the idea of setting a goal for phasing out the pollution from fossil fuels, lending support to the movement against investments in oil and coal companies. After a week of discussions …

Even Richer Nations Face Climate ‘Danger Zone,’ Scientists Say

With prospects of containing global warming slipping away, a team of scientists urged policymakers to redouble their efforts to rein in pollution, saying human activity risks turning even rich nations into a “danger zone.” The researchers led by Stockholm University …

Climate Scientists Forecast Severe Winters for Europe

The decline in Arctic sea ice has doubled the chance of severe winters in Europe and Asia in the past decade, according to researchers in Japan. Sea-ice melt in the Arctic, Barents and Kara seas since 2004 has made more …

Germans Battle Rising Floods Threatening Historic Cities

Firefighters, soldiers and volunteers in eastern Germany toiled through the night to defend against floods that have submerged towns, villages and farmlands for the second time in 11 years. Crews in Dresden, home to the 18th century Frauenkirche that was …

East Germany Prepares for Dam Bursts as Prague Begins Clean-Up

As the people of Prague started to clean up after three days of flooding, residents in the eastern German cities of Dresden, Halle and Meissen were bolstering their defenses against the torrents of water still surging from the Vltava, Mulde …