Articles by Stephanie Bodoni

EU Court’s Non-Binding Ruling Says U.K. Can Reverse Brexit

The U.K. should be allowed to reverse Brexit, according to an advisory opinion from the European Union’s top court that will fuel the campaign to thwart the divorce. The opinion, which isn’t binding, comes at a crucial moment for Prime …

Equifax Slapped with $658,000 Fine for Privacy Lapses After UK Cyber Attack

Credit reporting company Equifax Inc. was slapped with a maximum 500,000 pound ($658,000) fine by the U.K.’s privacy watchdog for failing to protect the personal information of as many as 15 million British citizens during a cyber attack on its …

Facebook Faces £500,000 Fine in UK over Cambridge Analytica Data Privacy Violations

Facebook Inc. could be fined a symbolic 500,000 pounds ($664,000) by the U.K.’s privacy regulator after the social network giant failed to prevent key user data falling into the hands of a political consultancy that helped get President Donald Trump …

Luxembourg Runs Low on Large Offices for Insurers, Banks Seeking Post-Brexit HQs

Luxembourg is so tiny that map-makers have been known to give up and pretend it’s not there. So as the minuscule financial hub continues to draw London firms opening up a post-Brexit presence in the European Union, there’s a nagging …

GDPR Day 1: A New Era in Data Privacy Begins

From tech giant Facebook Inc. to libraries and schools, organizations are now subject to the world’s most far-reaching data privacy regulation in a crackdown aimed at protecting people from losing control over their personal information. It’s occupied thousands of lawyers, …

Facebook Begins Complying with EU’s Privacy Rules; Global Users to Be Protected

Facebook Inc. is starting to comply with new privacy rules in Europe. And then, to get ahead of scrutiny everywhere else, the company said it will provide the same protections to the rest of its 2 billion users. Users in …

Facebook ‘Willing’ to Meet with EU Regulators over Widening Data Scandal

Facebook Inc. expressed a “willingness to engage” with European Union regulators in the wake of fresh evidence showing that data on most of the social network’s 2 billion users could have been accessed improperly. Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova is in …

Facebook Will Dodge EU’s Tough New Data Rules – as GDPR Is Effective in May

Markets had already delivered their verdict before the European Union’s data privacy watchdogs could express outrage toward Facebook Inc. And while the social media giant lost as much as $60 billion in value earlier this week, Facebook is set to …

EU Court Rules Uber Should Be Regulated as Transport Firm, Not an App

Uber Technologies Inc. suffered a defeat when the European Union’s top court ruled its ride-hailing service should be regulated as a transport company, a decision that could set a precedent for the burgeoning gig economy. The EU Court of Justice …

UK Firms Choosing Luxembourg as Brexit HQ May Find Lifestyle Differences

Little Luxembourg is luring firms on the lookout for a post-Brexit foothold in the European Union, from JPMorgan Chase & Co. to insurance giant American International Group Inc. While many find the Grand Duchy a multilingual paradise, would-be expats are …