Articles by Stephanie Nebehay

WHO Says China’s Vaccine Prevents COVID But Questions Data on Side Effects: Reuters

WHO experts have voiced “very low confidence” in data provided by Chinese state-owned drugmaker Sinopharm on its COVID-19 vaccine regarding the risk of serious side-effects in some patients, but overall confidence in its ability to prevent the disease, a document …

Cruise Ship Tests Coronavirus Containment as 300 Passengers Return to U.S.

TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif./GENEVA, Feb 17 β€”More than 300 American cruise liner passengers, including 14 who tested positive for coronavirus, were flown home to military bases in the United States after two weeks under quarantine off Japan. The cruise …

New Climate Data from WMO Shows World is Warming

Last year tied for the hottest year on record, confirming a long-term warming trend, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Thursday, and future warming depended on action to cut greenhouse gas emissions. The first ten years of the millennium …

Weather Experts Discuss Why Insurers, Others Need Better Warning Systems

Asia’s heavy monsoons, a record heatwave in Russia and severe droughts in Africa show the need for new yardsticks to rate extreme weather to guide everybody from road builders to insurance companies, a U.N. expert said on Friday. Scales exist …

WMO Foresees La Nina in Pacific this Year

La Nina is likely to cool the tropical Pacific in coming months, a phenomenon which usually causes stronger monsoons across Asia and eastern Australia, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Tuesday. The weather condition also promotes the development of …

El Nino to Influence Climate to Midyear

The El Nino warming the Pacific Ocean since June has peaked, but is expected to influence climate patterns worldwide up to mid-year before dying out, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) said Tuesday. However, the United Nations agency said that forecasting …

Deaths Not Caused by H1N1 Vaccine, Says World Health Organization

About 40 people have died after being inoculated against H1N1 pandemic flu, but investigations so far show the fatalities were not caused by the vaccine, the World Health Organization said on Thursday. The U.N. agency reaffirmed that the pandemic vaccine …

WHO Poised to Declare First Flu Pandemic Since 1968

The World Health Organization was poised on Thursday to declare that the new H1N1 virus has caused the first influenza pandemic in more than 40 years, health sources said on Thursday. The move will trigger heightened health measures in the …

WHO Official Says World Edging Towards Flu Pandemic

The spread of H1N1 flu in Australia, Britain, Chile, Japan and Spain has nudged the world closer to a pandemic, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday. The newly-discovered strain had caused more infections than seasonal influenza at the start …

WHO Raises Flu Threat Level, Warns Pandemic Imminent

The World Health Organization said Wednesday the world is at the brink of a pandemic, raising its threat level as the swine flu virus spread and killed the first person outside of Mexico, a toddler in Texas. “Influenza pandemics must …