Articles by Steve LeBlanc

Mass. Board Reconsiders Drug Benefit in Low Cost Plans

The board charged with getting insurers to come up with low-cost health care plans is considering a proposal that would allow insurers to offer plans that don’t include prescription drug coverage. The goal is to produce health care plans that …

Mass. Panel Seeks More Low Cost Health Plan Options

The panel assigned with turning Massachusetts’ groundbreaking health care law into a reality sent insurers back to the drawing board this week, saying they need to do a better job at coming up with low cost health care plans. The …

Mass. Auto Insurer Tops in Spending on Beacon Hill Lobbyists

Lobbyists trying to influence Massachusetts legislation on Beacon Hill raked in a record $64.3 million in 2006, as they plied their trade on issues ranging from education and insurance to tobacco and cable television, according to state Secretary William Galvin. …

Tougher Teen Driving Bill On Way to Mass. Gov.’s Desk

Soon-to-be teen drivers would have to spend more time behind the wheel with their parents and face stiffer penalties for speeding and drag racing under a bill that could be headed to Gov. Mitt Romney’s desk by the end of …

Mass. Begins Historic Mandatory Health Insurance Plan

Massachusetts began signing up its poorest residents for low-cost health insurance , the first step in the state’s goal to be the first in America to require all citizens to have health insurance. “This is a historic day for us,” …

Boston-NYC Chinatown Bus Fleet Safety Questioned

A company that runs a low-price bus service between Chinatowns in Boston and New York has reached an agreement with state inspectors that keeps its fleet on the road, at least for now. The owners of the Fung Wah Bus …

Survey Says: Mass. Uninsured Population Down 19%

The number of Massachusetts residents without health insurance dropped 19 percent in the past two years, according to a survey released this week by the state’s Division of Health Care Finance and Policy. The survey, taken every two years, found …

Mass. Unveils Proposed Employer Exemption from Health Mandate

Massachusetts officials have unveiled proposed regulations that would set the minimum a company would have to do to be exempt from a new $295 per-worker assessment as part of the state’s new health care law. Health care advocates immediately criticized …

Mass. House Overrides Gov. Romney Veto of Health Care Fee

Sending a sharp rebuke to Gov. Mitt Romney, House lawmakers voted overwhelmingly to overturn his vetoes to the state’s landmark health care law, including the controversial $295 fee on businesses who don’t offer insurance. The predominantly Democratic House broke from …

Citing Tax Question, Mass. Gov. Romney Hesitates Over Health Plan

Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has held off on saying whether he’ll support a sweeping health care reform bill crafted by legislative leaders until he can determine if it would require a tax increase to pay for it. Romney said he …