Articles by Steve Scherer

Canada Employers Shed Unvaccinated Workers With Legal Challenges Expected

OTTAWA – Canadian employers are firing or putting on unpaid leave thousands of workers who refused to get COVID-19 shots, squeezing an already tight labor market and raising prospects of potentially disruptive legal challenges. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised vaccine …

More Canadian Businesses to Introduce Vaccine Mandates for Employees: Minister

More Canadian businesses will introduce COVID-19 vaccine mandates for their employees to safely return to the office amidst a growing fourth wave, the minister in charge of procuring inoculations said in an interview. Canada’s five biggest banks last week said …

Canada Orders Rail Transport Restrictions in Areas with High Wildfire Risk

OTTAWA – Canada on Sunday ordered rail transport restrictions for areas where there is a high wildfire risk after a blaze wiped out the town of Lytton, British Columbia, and killed two people earlier this month. The order will require …

Insurers Warn Canada’s Moving Too Slowly on Flood Mapping

OTTAWA – Canada plans to focus its next budget on tackling climate change and its effects but the insurance industry, amid skyrocketing costs, is concerned the government will move too slowly on the key first step of mapping flood risks. …

Canada’s Supreme Court Allows Class Action Seeking Employee Status for Uber Drivers

OTTAWAβ€” Canada’s Supreme Court on Friday ruled in favor of a driver in a gig economy case that paves the way for a class action suit calling for Uber Technologies Inc. to recognize drivers in Canada as company employees. UberEats …

Canada Government Must Move Quickly to Map Flood Risks, Insurers Warn

Canada plans to focus its next budget on tackling climate change and its effects but the insurance industry, amid skyrocketing costs, is concerned the government will move too slowly on the key first step of mapping flood risks. Flood mapping …

Costa Cruises Offers Settlements to Passengers

Costa Cruises has offered to pay 11,000 euros ($14,500) in compensation to each of the more than 3,000 passengers aboard the ship that capsized near the island of Giglio two weeks ago, Italian consumer groups said on Friday. The offer, …