Articles by Steven Greenhut

New Insurance Lines Will Help Emerging Marijuana Market

The end of Prohibition in 1933 was greeted with celebrations, as newspapers slapped large-type headlines on their front pages declaring, for instance, that “Prohibition Ends At Last.” President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s reputed words have made it into the quotation books: …

Gov. Brown Signs Bill that Could Energize Insurance Markets

Given the far-reaching nature of some of the bills that Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law in recent weeks, it’s no surprise that a relatively minor tweak to the insurance code didn’t muscle its way onto the front pages. But …

California High Court Gives Insurance Commissioner Vast New Powers

President Donald Trump’s spate of executive orders has jump-started a national debate about the wisdom of executive edicts, especially those that stray into the area of lawmaking. While presidential orders grab the spotlight, the issues of administrative overreach and how …

Insurers vow ‘muscular’ response to over-regulation

Insurers aren’t known for their aggressive pushback against overly meddlesome regulations. American insurance companies – like any massive industry – have a large lobbying presence. But they tend to tread carefully around regulators for the obvious reason that insurance officials …

Court Smacks Down California Regulators Over Broker/Agent Ruling

An Orange County, California court has given the state’s Department of Insurance a stunning smack down in a long-running case about the “broker fees” charged by some insurance agents. The complicated case offers insight into the bureaucratic world of insurance …

California Coal-Divestment Push Mostly about Politics

California voters in 1988 dramatically expanded the power of the state Department of Insurance and turned the insurance commissioner post into an elected position. The Proposition 103 initiative also gave the commissioner unprecedented authority to prescribe which specific factors private …