Articles by Steven S. Wevodau

The best merger mentality: Conservative and calculating

An agency owner who believes that a merger or acquisition is all about the money may leave a lot more on the table than a premium price. They may be putting the future of their agency in jeopardy. M&A is …

Cross-Selling May Be a Missed Opportunity for Agents and Brokers

Part Two: Picking the Right Partner and Other Keys to Making It Work What would happen if decided to start selling residential real estate? This may sound like a wild-haired idea, but it illustrates a point begun in Part …

For Many Agency Owners, Cross Selling Is a Missed Opportunity has a message for agency owners. When ordering a book from the popular Web merchant, scroll down the page and see the boxed items under the heading “Customers who bought this also bought …” Is this amazing wizardry made …

Carrying Out the Growth–The Art of Agency Acquisition, Part Two

After warming up the new Caddy, defrosting the windows, and buckling up the seat belts, what could possibly be left to do before hitting the road to acquisition? To grow agency business by acquiring other firms, following a sequence of …

Industry Consolidation Continues to Gain Momentum, 2005 Looks Cloudy

Agency consolidations are likely to achieve record results for 2004 but the outlook for 2005 remains unclear. Agency acquisitions in 2004 will more than likely outpace prior years by at least 25 percent. Insurance brokers continue to make a significant …

Planning to Grow: The Art of Agency Acquisition, Part One

Growing a firm through acquisition is somewhat like negotiating slippery winter roads: to do it well, one must know the terrain and current conditions and be extremely skillful. It’s not so wise to just jump in the car and slam …

Industry Consolidation Continues to Gain Momentum, 2005 Looks Cloudy

2004 Could Break Records for Announced Transactions Agency consolidations are likely to achieve record results for 2004 but the outlook for 2005 remains unclear. Agency acquisitions in 2004 will more than likely outpace prior years by at least 25 percent. …