Articles by Sue McKenna

How to Appraise and Insure Historic Homes

New technology, historical home insurance help to protect treasured properties Many urban and suburban areas are made more distinctive thanks to the historic homes nestled in their neighborhoods. Keeping history alive through these special homes is not always easy. With …

Time to Invest Infrastructure

U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval recently dismissed a lawsuit against the U.S. Corps of Engineers over levee failures in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Duval ruled the Corps had immunity from the lawsuit, not because he didn’t believe …

Medi-Spas: Industry Growth Has No Limits

The anti-aging and medi-spa revolution is here to stay some experts say. Just look at celebrities such as 70-year-old actress Jane Fonda or 68-year-old singer Tina Turner to see what transformations can be achieved through anti-aging techniques. What exactly is …

Wis. Senate Squeaks Through Bill to Ban Credit Scoring

With the 2008 legislative sessions now in full swing, many states are taking another look at the issue of insurers using credit scoring to underwrite or rate auto or homeowners insurance. Insurance trade groups are stepping up efforts in state …

Hall of Shame Scams Shocking

The Coalition reports that nearly one of four Americans say it’s ok to defraud insurers. Some 8 percent say it’s “quite acceptable” to bilk insurers, while 16 percent say it’s “somewhat acceptable.” No matter how many times we read the …

Midwest States Fall Below National Average for Homeowners Premiums

A new National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ (NAIC) report shows Ohio homeowners and most Midwestern states pay some of the lowest homeowners’ insurance rates in the nation. The Ohio Department of Insurance announced that new figures from the NAIC show …

Sometimes It’s Good to Lose

For the first time in six years, Illinois’ Madison County has not led the list of “judicial hellholes” put forth by the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA). (See page 6for full story.) For Illinois, not making the list is good. …

Mo. Earthquake Insurance Task Force to Review Market Changes

Although Midwesterners worry most about tornadoes, snow and ice storms, lurking in the back of every homeowner’s mind is the knowledge that we, like our California brethren, lie just above a major earthquake fault line — New Madrid. Although no …

Allstate Announces Withdrawal From Membership in PCI

Allstate Insurance, headquartered in Northbrook, Ill., has given notice to Des Plaines, Ill.-based Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) that the company intends to drop its membership in the insurer trade group effective December 2008. PCI’s by-laws require members …

Out of Control

An editor has some control over the selection of the top stories of the year, but it’s limited. That is, the choices are limited by the real news. Well, looking ahead to 2008 the headlines are limited only by the …