Articles by Susan Cornwell and Timothy Gardner

U.S. Exempts India, Other Countries, Not China, from Iran Sanctions

The United States extended exemptions from its tough, new sanctions on Iran’s oil trade to seven more economies on Monday, leaving China the last remaining major importer exposed to possible penalties at the end of the month. In the latest …

Senate Passes Tougher Iran Sanctions

The U.S. Senate unanimously approved on Monday a package of new economic sanctions on Iran’s oil sector just days ahead of a meeting in Baghdad between major world powers and Tehran. The sanctions add to a raft of punitive measures …

Senate Push Over AIG Bonuses Appears to Lose Steam

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid vowed Monday to push to recoup millions of dollars in executive bonuses at taxpayer-funded insurer American International Group, but the legislation appeared to be losing momentum in the Senate. President Barack Obama voiced concern …

U.S. House Passes Measure to Recoup AIG Bonuses

The U.S. House of Representatives swiftly passed a bill Thursday to recoup controversial bonuses paid to American International Group Inc. as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner tried to calm the furor by taking responsibility. In the face of public outrage at …