Articles by Susan Henry

When to Use Temporary Instead of Full-Time Regular Employees

Business is picking up and so are your employees’ workloads. This is great news – except you now find your team spread too thin and risk projects falling through the cracks. You know you need additional resources – but where …

How to Overcome the Hurdles of Hiring to Smaller ‘Big Cities’

Regardless of a high unemployment rate, top talent will always be in demand among insurance organizations. If your company is based in a smaller city, you may face obstacles such as a limited local talent pool and competition from major …

Small Town Hiring Blues

Overcome the Hurdles of Recruiting to Smaller ‘Big Cities’ Regardless of a high unemployment rate, top talent will always be in demand among insurance organizations. If your company is based in a smaller city, you may face obstacles such as …

Compensation Plans for Multi-Generational Employee Satisfaction

Keeping employees satisfied at work not only aids in retention, it also increases your organization’s overall productivity. In the current economy, it is vital to offer a benefits package that is desirable to your employees and assists in their retention …

How to Make Telecommuting Work for Your Staff

Constant Communication Helps to Keep Remote Employees Motivated to Succeed Telecommuting is increasingly popular in today’s business world. It cuts operational costs for the employer, while allowing employees the convenience of working from their home offices. While telecommuting has proven …

Budget-Friendly Ideas to Retain Your Top Performers

Career Development, Mentors and Flexible Schedules Help Keep A-Level Talent The current economy is causing many changes within the employment marketplace. Increased employee concerns and lowered morale are just a few reasons organizations should place greater focus on their retention …