Articles by Svenja O'Donnell

UK Plans to Trigger Brexit Negotiations in Early March: Government Sources

Prime Minister Theresa May intends to trigger Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union as close as possible to the EU summit taking place on March 9 and March 10, according to two government officials involved in Brexit planning. The latest …

UK Chancellor of Exchequer to Discuss Brexit Plans with Insurers & Bankers

Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond will meet senior bankers in London on Wednesday to set out the government’s plans to support the economy and sound out their views for a post-Brexit Britain. Hammond will host several members of the …

Formal Brexit Talks Likely to Be Triggered in April 2017: UK Officials

Prime Minister Theresa May’s team is still leaning toward the first part of 2017 as the best moment to trigger the start of formal talks over the U.K.’s withdrawal from the European Union, according to two British officials. While reports …

U.K. Gives Go-Ahead for Driverless Cars to Be Tested on Motorways

Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne will give the green light for driverless cars to be tested on U.K. motorways, helping to make the technology available to consumers by the end of the decade. The government also aims to remove …

UK’s Chancellor of Exchequer to Double Budget to Fight Cyber Terrorism

Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced he’ll double funding to strengthen the U.K.’s cyber defenses, while refusing to confirm that budget cuts to be announced next week would spare Britain’s police forces, as Europe braces for further attacks from …

UK Anti-Terrorism Proposal Would Clarify Insurance Law on Ransom Payments

The U.K. government will introduce anti-terrorism legislation this week requiring internet companies to provide user data to authorities. The bill, to be published on Nov. 26 and fast-tracked through Parliament so it becomes law before the general election in May, …

U.K. Insurers to Invest $41 Billion in Infrastructure

The U.K.’s largest insurance companies will invest £25 billion ($41 billion) in infrastructure, as the government prepares to update its plan for projects from energy and transport to communications. The government will today publish a refreshed version of its National …