Articles by Roberta Rampton and Thomas Ferraro

Clinton, Democrats Pressure White House to Amend Healthcare Law

The growing pressure on President Barack Obama to adjust his problem-plagued healthcare law seemed to boil over on Tuesday, as leaders of Obama’s Democratic Party called on him to allow a change in the law so that Americans who are …

Senate Approves Government Funding, Disaster Aid Bill

The U.S. Senate approved a deal Monday to avert a government shutdown, ending a standoff that highlighted a dysfunctional Congress’ trouble in passing even the most basic legislation. “We’ve averted a disaster — until the next one,” said Democratic Senator …

Senate Poised to Defeat House Spending, Disaster Aid Bill

With aid to disaster victims running out, the U.S. Senate Democratic leader Friday vowed to hold a quick vote to defeat a House-passed spending bill, clearing the way for negotiations to avoid a government shutdown. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid …

Senate Passes Patent Reform, 95-5

The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly to overhaul U.S. patent laws, backing a measure aimed at chipping away at a huge backlog of patent applications and offering cheaper alternatives to litigation. In a 95-5 vote, the Senate approved on Tuesday the …

Senate to Vote on Patent Damages Reform After Break

The U.S. Senate aims to begin consideration next month of a bipartisan bill to revamp the U.S. patent system and reduce the likelihood of what critics see as excessive damage awards, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said. Reid said he …

House to Vote on Healthcare Repeal Next Week

The U.S. House of Representatives will resume action next week on repealing President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare overhaul, a House Republican spokesman said Thursday. The House had been expected to act this week on the repeal bill, but the vote …

House Republicans Aim to Repeal Healthcare Law

Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives plan to pass a bill next week to repeal President Barack Obama’s overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system, a senior party aide said Monday, but the effort is widely expected to fail in …

Congress Sends Tax Deal to Obama for Signing

Congress gave final approval late Thursday to the deal President Barack Obama and Republicans made to extend expiring tax cuts — a high-stakes gamble to create jobs at a cost of deepening the U.S. debt. Over objections from many of …

Senate Fails in Attempts to Repeal Health Law Provision on 1099 Tax

Efforts to repeal what is widely seen as a burdensome tax provision in the new federal healthcare law failed in the U.S. Senate Monday despite broad support to drop it. A majority of the Democratic-led Senate voted in favor of …

Sen. Dodd Announces Plans to Retire

Veteran Democratic Senator Christopher Dodd said Wednesday he will not seek re-election in November in recognition that he faced an uphill battle and underscoring upheaval facing President Barack Obama’s Democrats. Dodd, 65, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and leader …