Articles by Thomas J. Slattery

Mike Oxley Says “Vibes” Are Good for Terrorism Backup

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The chairman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee said here April 11 that he likes the chances for eventual passage of a federal government backup for terrorism insurance. Rep. Mike Oxley (R-Ohio) reminded the annual Legislative Conference of …

Spring is In the Air

About those two faces on our cover this week. They’re beaming, for now, because they prevailed in the primary race for insurance commissioner of California. But John Garamendi and Gary Mendoza won’t smile for long, at least at one another. …

The Forgotten Constituents

Unaccustomed as I am to commenting here (and unaccustomed as you are to reading me here) I’ll start with a quick introduction. A reintroduction to those of you who’ve followed my 35-year career with the National Underwriter, most recently as …

So Far, So Good

As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted… Last time, we draped our cover and opening prose in funeral black crepe proclaiming 2001 “The Worst Year Ever”, the property and casualty business having just reported its first-ever annual …