Articles by Timothy F. Kirn

Museum Travels Beyond Insurance to Protect the Priceless

San Diego’s Natural History Museum Took Extraordinary Steps to Protect Dead Sea Scrolls The Dead Sea Scrolls are among the oldest documents, and greatest artifacts, in the world. So what do you do if they get lent to your museum? …

Colorado’s Workers’ Comp Fund Pinnacol: Swagger and Success Invite Scrutiny

If there is one thing that Colorado’s quasi-public workers compensation provider, Pinnacol Assurance, has not been accused of being, it is being timid. When the state government tried early this year to tap the Pinnacol reserves for upwards of $500 …

Pinnacol Chief Blasts Colorado State Legislators’ Hearings

The chief executive of Pinnacol Assurance contends that the interim committee hearings investigating the state workers’ compensation insurer were biased in favor of injured workers. The committee, which was comprised of 10 state lawmakers, voted in its final meeting last …

California Gets Pay-As-You-Drive

Californians will soon be able to purchase pay-as-you-drive automobile insurance, as the final regulations have been approved. The regulations regarding pay-as-you-drive, which was originally proposed by state Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner a year ago, were approved by the Office of …

California Regulates Life Insurance Resale

California no longer allows an individual to buy a life insurance policy for investors, and anyone who handles the sale of second-hand life insurance policies–so-called life settlements–must be licensed. Senate bill 98 prohibits the sale of an existing life insurance …

Pinnacol Hearings Resume with Fourteen Proposals

On Friday, Colorado legislators hold their last hearing on the disposition of the state workers’ compensation fund, Pinnacol Assurance. They will be considering 14 different reform bills. The 10 legislative committee members will be voting on the bills to decide …

California Law Blocks Workers’ Comp Payment Rescission

Among the bills signed into California law by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger this week was a bill that prohibits workers’ compensation insurance companies from refusing to pay for services they authorized previously. The new law prevents insurers from modifying or rescinding …

California Braces for Fake Quake

Tomorrow at exactly 10:15 a.m. almost 7 million Californians are expected to drop to the ground, cover their heads, and hold on for dear life. This curious behavior is part of an event called the Great California Shakeout, a statewide …

California Workers’ Comp CEO Frank Praised at Departure

The news that Janet D. Frank was leaving her position as CEO of California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund occurred during a meeting of the board of directors of the California Workers’ Compensation Institute. It was greeted “with a universal feeling …

Investigated California Medical Firm Forgoes $70M Workers Comp Claims

A Southern California medical management company accused of fraudulent workers’ compensation-related billing has dismissed $70 million worth of filed claims, the largest workers’ compensation mass dismissal of liens in California history. The company, Premier Medical Management Systems, Inc., has been …