Articles by Timothy Aeppel

Soaring Insurance Costs Hit as US Buyers Finally Get a Break on Car Prices

A new form of sticker shock has hit American car buyers like Darin Davis. In January, when the 56-year-old Dallas real estate agent renewed the insurance on the pearly-white 2024 Cadillac XT4 that he bought just a few months earlier, …

Robot Invasion Hit a Bump in 2023 as North American Economy Cooled

North American companies ordered about a third fewer robots last year as worries about a slowing economy and higher interest rates made it harder to justify buying the advanced machines, the first hiccup in five years in what has been …

Robots Take Over More Jobs Where Humans Are Aging

It turns out robots are taking over jobs fastest around the world in places where their human counterparts are aging the most rapidly. That is the conclusion of a new study that looked at demographic and industry-level data in 60 …

Suez Canal Blockage Continues to Disrupt Global Trade, Hitting Supply Chains

LONDON/LOS ANGELES – A backlog of container ships carrying consumer goods has grown in some key strategic ports after a near week-long blockage in the Suez Canal, adding to ongoing disruptions to global trade, industry sources say. Dozens of container …

U.S. Employers Shying Away From Using Coronavirus ‘Immunity’ Tests in Reopening

U.S. employers have cooled to the idea of testing workers for possible immunity to the coronavirus as they prepare to reopen factories and other workplaces. Blood tests that check for antibodies to the new coronavirus have been touted by governments …