Articles by Risa Maeda and Timothy Gardner

US Renews Waivers of Iran Sanctions for Japan, EU Nations

The United States has renewed waivers on Iran sanctions for Japan and 10 European countries because they cut their purchases of the OPEC nation’s crude oil, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Friday. The renewal means banks in the …

US Grants Iran Sanctions Exceptions to China, Singapore

The United States gave China a six-month reprieve from Iran financial sanctions on Thursday, avoiding a diplomatic spat with a country whose support it needs to try to quell violence in Syria and rein in Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. With Thursday’s …

U.S. Exempts India, Other Countries, Not China, from Iran Sanctions

The United States extended exemptions from its tough, new sanctions on Iran’s oil trade to seven more economies on Monday, leaving China the last remaining major importer exposed to possible penalties at the end of the month. In the latest …

U.S. to Issue More Waivers on Iran Sanctions Next Week

The United States will announce a new list of countries that will receive exceptions to financial sanctions on oil trade with Iran as soon as early next week, a government official said on Thursday. Not all of Iran’s oil buyers …

More Americans Believe World is Warming: Reuters Poll

More Americans than last year believe the world is warming and the change is likely influenced by the Republican presidential debates, a Reuters/Ipsos poll said Thursday. The percentage of Americans who believe the Earth has been warming rose to 83 …

Study Forecasts Ice Melt Will Close off Arctic’s Interior Riches

Global warming will likely open up coastal areas in the Arctic to development but close vast regions of the northern interior to forestry and mining by mid-century as ice and frozen soil under temporary winter roads melt, researchers said. Higher …

India Expects to Break Rich/Poor Deadlock at Climate Talks

An Indian proposal could break a deadlock between rich and poor countries over how to share the burdens of tackling global warming, India’s environment minister said Thursday before heading to U.N. climate talks in Mexico. India’s environment minister Jairam Ramesh …

UN Climate Talks Seek to Bridge Rich-Poor Divide

A new round of U.N. climate talks opens on Monday with almost 200 nations meeting in Mexico in hopes of clinching an agreement on a narrow range of crunch issues dividing rich and emerging economies. The two-week conference at the …

Senators Slam Oil Executives Over Gulf Spill

U.S. senators Tuesday tried to pin the blame for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on the companies involved, scrutinizing their safety practices and demanding full compensation be paid for the cleanup. In hearings before two Senate committees, lawmakers accused …

US Climate Envoy Says China Tepid on Climate Change Agreement

A senior U.S. official Tuesday criticized China and other leading developing countries for trying to weaken the Copenhagen Accord to fight global warming and raised the prospect that a fuller international pact may be not be struck by year’s end. …