Articles by Todd Gillespie, Katharina Rosskopf and Anna Shiryaevskaya

Storm CiarΓ‘n Batters UK and Europe With Punishing Winds and Heavy Rainfall

Storm CiarΓ‘n plowed through northwest Europe, tearing the roofs off some buildings, snarling transport networks and cutting power to more than a million people. The cyclone delivered punishing winds and heavy rainfall to an area spanning from the UK to …

Storm Babet Hammers Scotland With Warnings of Risk to Life, Flooding

The UK’s Met Office warned of the possibility of severe flooding and loss of life in the northern part of the country for a second day as Storm Babet continues to hammer the region. Parts of eastern Scotland remain under …

Europe’s Firefighters Call for More Resources as Climate Change Hikes Wildfire Threat

Firefighters across Europe are calling for more resources as climate change increases the threat of wildfires across the region. While the European Union announced a doubling of its aerial firefighting fleet for this season to 24 airplanes and four helicopters, …

Rich Nations Face Demands to Pay for Climate Damages Caused by Historical Emissions

The aftermath of Hurricane Irma has left deep scars in the tiny island nations that were in the path of the Category Five storm just before it slammed into Florida. The toll in Antigua and Barbuda added up to more …

Britain’s Largest Pub Group Launches Billion-Dollar Suit over COVID-Related BI Claim

Britain’s largest pub group, Stonegate Pub Group Co., sued three insurers for 846 million pounds ($1.2 billion) over losses it suffered after being forced to shut during the coronavirus pandemic. Owned by TDR Capital, the company filed a suit against …

Shell Abandons Push to Get Oil Spill Lawsuit to Be Heard in Nigeria

Royal Dutch Shell Plc has abandoned its final attempt to argue that a major lawsuit brought by thousands of Nigerians over an oil spill in the West African country should be heard in Nigeria rather than the UK. Shell’s legal …

Many Workers Begin to Return to Offices Transformed by COVID Safety Innovations

Masked, desk-bound and unable to recognize their colleagues in an elevator, people are starting to return to offices in cities around the world where the pandemic is receding. Many will find their offices transformed, too. In the challenge to make …