Articles by Todd Richmond

Insurance Doesn’t Cover Milwaukee Priest Sex Abuse

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s insurance company doesn’t have to pay damages that could arise from more than a dozen lawsuits involving sex abuse by priests, a state appeals court ruled. The 1st District Court of Appeals decision, if it stands, …

Wisconsin Chemical Plant Explosions Force Evacuations

A chemical plant fire continued to burn May 12 in the south-central Wisconsin community of Columbus where dozens of neighbors were forced to evacuate their homes. A series of explosions was heard May 11 about 8 p.m. at Columbus Chemical …

Judge Upholds Legality of Transfer from Wisconsin Malpractice Insurance Fund

Gov. Jim Doyle and the Legislature legally used $200 million from Wisconsin’s medical malpractice fund to help balance the state budget, a judge has ruled. The decision, if it stands, spares the state from immediately paying the $200 million back …

Wisconsin Governor Vetoes Med-Mal Award Cap Legislation

Gov. Jim Doyle vetoed legislation that would have capped the amount of money medical malpractice victims could win in court for their pain and suffering, an issue that has been a political flash point in states across the country. Republican …