Articles by Trân Nguyen

California Advances Legislation Cracking Down on Auto Theft, Stolen Goods Resellers

The California Senate approved a bipartisan package of 15 bills this that would increase penalties for organized crime rings, expand drug court programs and close a legal loophole to make it easier to prosecute auto thefts. One proposal would require …

Questions on AI, Budget Deficit, Gun Owners Liability Await California Lawmakers

California lawmakers returned to work this week for the start of an election-year legislative session dominated by decisions on artificial intelligence and the state`s struggling budget. The budget is a big issue every year in California, which is the nation’s …

California Can Share Gun Owners’ Personal Information With Researchers, Court Rules

A state appeals court ruled that California can continue providing personal information of gun owners to researchers to study gun violence, reversing last year`s decision by a lower court judge who said such data sharing violates privacy rights. In 2021, …

California Man Paralyzed from Police Run-In Gets $20M Settlement

A Northern California man who was left paralyzed after he was slammed to the ground during a traffic stop won a $20 million settlement, one of the largest in the state`s history, officials announced. Gregory Gross, an Army veteran who …

High Court: Police in California Aren’t Immune From Certain Misconduct Suits

Police in California are not immune from civil lawsuits for misconduct that happens while they investigate crimes, the state Supreme Court ruled, overruling a precedent made by lower courts that had helped protect law enforcement from litigation for decades. The …