Articles by Valerie Bauman and Susan Decker

Drugmakers Shielded from COVID Vaccine Liability But Funds for Injury Claims in Doubt

Americans who suffer adverse reactions to coronavirus vaccines that the U.S. is racing to develop will have a hard time getting compensated for injuries from the drugs. That’s because pandemic-related claims for vaccines will be routed to a rarely used …

Click and Save: Online Class Cuts Insurance Rates

New Yorkers Can Now Tap Internet for Personal Auto Discounts New Yorkers who shell out about $50 to take a leisurely trip down a cartoon road with just a few clicks of the mouse can end up shaving hundreds of …

New York Wants Allstate Info on Credit Default-Swaps

The New York state Insurance Department said it wants information from Allstate Corp. on its participation in unregulated insurance markets. The agency also said Allstate officials must report anything they know about other insurance companies that conducted unregulated writing of …

N.Y. Lawmakers Welcome Governor’s Bid for Stricter Physician Oversight

State lawmakers say New York Gov. David Paterson’s proposal to increase doctor oversight and prevent misconduct has a good chance of passing this session — but with changes. Assembly Health Committee Chairman Richard Gottfried, a New York City Democrat, says …

N.Y. Gov. Paterson Seeks Stronger Oversight to Catch Bad Doctors

New Yorkers would be let in on the secret when their doctor is charged with misconduct under a proposal by New York Gov. David Paterson. The measure would end the protection for doctors against disclosure of the charges until a …