Articles by Jennifer Peltz and Verena Dobnik

New York City Orders Mandatory Vaccines for Some Amid Measles Outbreak

Health officials Tuesday ordered nearly everyone in a heavily Orthodox Jewish New York City neighborhood to be vaccinated for measles or face fines, reviving a public-health strategy that experts say hasn’t been used in the U.S. in recent memory. The …

Tighter Regulations in NYC Could Take Bite Out of Airbnb Profits

Airbnb faces tightening regulations in New York City that could take a big bite out of its profits, and on Wednesday the short-term rental company offered a counter-measure designed to appease hostile politicians: a $10 million contribution to charities. At …

Police Identify Seven More Victims of NYC’s Deadliest Fire in Decades

Police have released the identities of an additional seven victims of New York City’s deadliest fire in decades, including a 7-month-old baby girl who was among the dozen people who lost their lives. Authorities also named five men and a …

New Jersey Transit Train Stuck in Tunnel Three Hours, Stun Gun Sparks Stampede

A train with about 1,200 passengers became stuck in a tunnel between New York and New Jersey for nearly three hours on Friday, and the chaotic scene escalated to pandemonium when Amtrak police used a stun gun to subdue a …

NYC Subway Trash Bin Ban Yields to Better Cleaning Methods

Faced with too much trash in one of the world’s biggest – and arguably dirtiest – subway systems, New York transit officials tried an unusual social experiment. They removed garbage bins from 39 out of the more than 400 stations, …

New York City Landmarks Art Deco Interiors of Waldorf Astoria

New York City on Tuesday landmarked some lavish public interiors at the Waldorf Astoria to save them as the hotel’s Chinese owners start a renovation that will produce hundreds of private condominiums. Nine members of the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted …

New York Home Explosion Points to Dangerous Marijuana Growing Methods

An explosion that destroyed a New York City home and killed a firefighter has drawn attention to marijuana-making methods that are legal in many states – but can also be lethal. A New York fire battalion chief died responding to …

OSHA, State Probe New York’s Latest Crane Collapse

State and federal officials are investigating what caused a huge construction crane to collapse across the Tappan Zee Bridge north of New York City, an accident that somehow caused no serious injuries but added to a list of crane wrecks …

New York to Receive Up to $20M to Develop Connected Vehicle Technologies

New York City will be the main testing ground for a smart device installed in vehicles to warn motorists of impending dangers and congestion, the U.S. secretary of transportation announced on Sept. 14. Secretary Anthony Foxx said New York will …

Massive Copper Theft in NYC Latest Example of Troubling Trend Nationwide

Longtime New York City subway cops have seen copper thefts before, but last week’s heist on a stretch of open-air tracks was particularly brazen: 500 feet of inch-thick cable stripped from the rails in the middle of the night. The …