Articles by Vicki Smith

Trustee of Bankrupt West Virginia Steelmaker Sues Zurich

The trustee of the former Weirton Steel Corp. is suing Zurich Specialties London Ltd., claiming the insurance company refused to pay a legitimate claim and now owes the bankrupt steelmaker’s creditors $39 million. The complaint, filed in U.S. District Court …

W.Va. Residents Sue DuPont Over Zinc Plant Contamination

From its grassy surface, the 112-acre mound seems harmless, a vast but benign-looking field ringed by hundreds of small homes. But signs wired to the chain-link fence hint at something potentially sinister lurking beneath. “No Trespassing,” they warn. “Contaminated materials …

U.S. Officials: Lightning Likely Cause of Deadly W. Va. Sago Mine Blast

One or more lightning strikes likely caused an electrical current in a cable left deep inside the Sago Mine and touched off the methane blast blamed for the deaths of 12 coal miners last year, the federal Mine Safety and …

Feds to Unveil Conclusions on W. Va. Sago Mine Disaster

Federal investigators will issue their report Wednesday on the Sago Mine disaster, which killed 12 West Virginia coal miners in a January 2006 explosion and prolonged entrapment underground. Mine Safety and Health Administration chief Richard E. Stickler and lead investigator …

W.Va. report on Sago Mine blast leaves many questions unasnwered

The families of the Sago Mine victims aren’t the only ones who want more answers from the state about what went wrong Jan. 2. The United Mine Workers says the state’s theory is “cockamamie” and begs either solid proof or …

Coal Industry Urged to Build New ‘Culture of Prevention’

Coal companies must replace by-the-book compliance with a culture of prevention if they want to eliminate the underground fires and explosions that are killing miners, says a panel of experts releasing recommendations for the industry. The Mine Safety Technology and …