Articles by Simon Jessop, Susanna Twidale and Virginia Furness

Right-Wing Political Tilt in Countries Across Globe Will Not Derail Climate Action

A political tilt to the right in Europe and a potential Trump presidency in the U.S. will not derail climate efforts as businesses are increasingly locked into green strategies, delegates at London Climate Action Week heard. A big election year, …

Investor Climate Group Sets Target for Assets in Private Equity, Debt

The world’s leading group of asset owners committed to turning their investment portfolios green said on Thursday it had set guidance for private assets for the first time and would also look to improve assessment of emissions tied to sovereign …

Finance Firms Managing $136T in Assets Urge Boards for More Environmental Data

Financial institutions managing $136 trillion in assets will this week call on companies to share more data on their environmental impact, the chair of disclosure platform CDP told Reuters. In a letter to the boards of over 15,000 companies, 746 …

African Insurers Pledge $14 Billion of Cover for Climate Disaster Risks

A group of over 85 insurers in Africa has pledged to create a financing facility to provide $14 billion of cover to help the continent’s most vulnerable communities deal with climate disaster risks such as floods and droughts. The commitment …

Group of Financial Services Firms Calls for G20 Governments to Detail Climate Plans

A coalition of financial firms led by former Bank of England Governor Mark Carney has called on G20 governments to raise their climate ambitions and set out more detailed plans to decarbonize their economies. The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net …