Articles by Alex Longley and Volodymyr Verbyany

Ukraine in Talks With Insurers to Start Program to Cover Ships Hauling Grain Exports

Ukraine’s government is in talks with insurers to start a new program to cover ships hauling grain through some of the riskiest parts of the Black Sea. The service could start as soon as early September, though a precise framework …

Ukraine Finance Chief Sees Urgent Need for War-Risk Insurance

Ukraine’s wartime defense spending will remain high next year, underscoring the need for allies to provide war-risk insurance to help attract investment, the nation’s finance minister said. “Without international support, without war-risk insurance, we will not attract as much investment …

Crashed Ukrainian Cargo Plane Carried Shipment of Ammunition for Bangladesh

Ukrainian foreign ministry officials on Sunday traveled to inspect the site where a Ukrainian cargo plane crashed overnight in northern Greece, en route from Serbia to Jordan and on to Bangladesh. The envoys will help local authorities and emergency services …

‘WannaCry’-Like Cyber Attack Spreading to Firms Globally

A new cyberattack similar to WannaCry is spreading from Europe to the U.S. and South America, hitting port operators in New York, Rotterdam and Argentina, disrupting government systems in Kiev, and disabling operations at companies including Rosneft PJSC, advertiser WPP …

Major Ransomware Attack Spreads from Europe to U.S.

A new cyber attack similar to WannaCry is spreading from Europe to the U.S., hitting port operators in New York and Rotterdam, disrupting government systems in Kiev, and disabling operations at companies including Rosneft PJSC and advertiser WPP Plc. More …