Articles by Wayne Parry

N.J.’s Proposed New Rules for Coastal Development Drawing Concerns

Environmentalists say New Jersey’s proposed new rules for coastal development would place more people and property at risk from future storms like Superstorm Sandy. At the first of three public hearings on the proposed changes on June 25, representatives of …

Feds Give $102M in Storm Prevention Funds to 11 Eastern States

Eleven states in the eastern U.S. will share $102.7 million in grants from the federal government to protect against future storms, with the greatest amount of funded projects in New Jersey and New York. The U.S. Department of the Interior’s …

At Jersey Shore, Last Superstorm Sandy-Damaged Boardwalks Getting Fixed

Last year, the thwack of hammers and the whine of power saws were as ubiquitous at the Jersey shore as the screech of seagulls, as town after town raced to rebuild boardwalks that were wrecked by Superstorm Sandy. Now, with …

Proposed Environmental Rules in N.J. Would Ease Some Coastal Development

In its first major rewrite of coastal protection rules since Superstorm Sandy, New Jersey is proposing changes that would make it easier for some new or expanded development along the Jersey shore and the state’s urban waterways. The state Department …

Post-Superstorm Sandy Buyouts in New Jersey Get Boost as Summer Nears

Lou Szabo’s street near the Raritan River in New Jersey has flooded for as long as he can remember. “When we were kids, we used to have boat races down the street,” said Szabo, now in his 40s. “We’d jump …

HUD OKs New Jersey’s Plan for Spending $1.46B in 2nd Round of Sandy Aid

New Jersey is a step closer to its goal of helping the thousands of people on waiting lists for Superstorm Sandy rebuilding assistance now that the federal government has approved its plans for spending $1.46 billion in the second round …

Many Jersey Shore Families Still Seeking Normalcy After Sandy

Seven months after watching heavy equipment tear down their Superstorm Sandy-wrecked house in Union Beach, N.J., Bart Sutton’s family is settling into a replacement built on the same spot — but much higher in the air. “We’re home,” said Sutton, …

New Jersey’s Sandy-Damaged Town Halls: Fix or Rebuild?

Officials in New Jersey towns hit hard by Superstorm Sandy are grappling with many of the same questions as their residents when it comes to municipal buildings damaged in the storm. Can the town halls be fixed, or do they …

N.J. Residents Providing Valuable Storm-Proofing Ideas for Post-Sandy Rebuilding Efforts

While scientists, politicians and engineers ponder ways to better protect New Jersey from storms like Superstorm Sandy, some of the best ideas are coming from those who suffered the most. As the second summer after Sandy approaches, several of the …

Proposal Envisions Artificial Islands Near N.Y. to Blunt Future Storm Surges

A string of artificial islands off the coast of New Jersey and New York could blunt the impact of storm surges that proved so deadly during Superstorm Sandy, according to a new proposal. It’s a big proposal — one that …