Articles by Wes Duplantier

Missouri Senator Pushes for Changes to Homeowners Insurance

After the powerful tornado tore through his southwest Missouri hometown in May 2011, Joplin resident Chuck Surface said he and his wife had to not only rebuild, but spent several weeks trying to figure out how much all the property …

Missouri Senate Passes Bill Expanding Workers’ Comp to Diseases

In a move that Republicans contend will make Missouri more attractive to businesses, the state Senate has approved legislation to expand the workers’ compensation program. The measure, SB572, approved with a largely party-line 28-6 vote, would cover occupational diseases under …

Missouri House Approves Workplace Discrimination Bill

Despite several lawmakers voicing fears about reversing decades of hard-fought civil rights gains, the Missouri House approved a measure that would change the rules for workplace discrimination cases heard in state court. The bill would require workers who bring wrongful …

Missouri Senator Delays Workplace Discrimination Vote

A black senator from St. Louis area who said she was fearful of reversing decades of hard-fought civil rights gains held the Missouri Senate floor for hours on Feb. 1 while vowing to block a vote on legislation changing the …

Missouri Democrats Vow to Oppose Discrimination Bill

Black lawmakers in Missouri, fearful of reversing decades of hard-fought civil rights gains, said they will try to prevent votes in the House and Senate on a measure that would change the state’s workplace discrimination laws. A measure pending in …

Business Lobby Gets Mixed Results in Missouri Legislature

Missouri Republicans came into this year’s legislative session with historic majorities and a pledge to push a pro-business agenda they said would improve the state’s economy and lower its stubbornly high unemployment rate. But businesses had gotten only mixed results …

Missouri Governor Vetoes Workplace Discrimination Measure

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has vetoed legislation that would have changed the legal standard workers must meet when they file discrimination lawsuits against former employers. Nixon said the measure would have undermined the Missouri Human Rights Act and rolled back …

Both Sides Lobby Missouri Gov. on Workplace Discrimination Bill

Several Missouri lawyers and civil rights groups are urging Gov. Jay Nixon to veto a bill that would change the legal standard workers must meet when they file discrimination lawsuits against former employers. In letters released this week to The …

Missouri Governor Condemns Discrimination Law Changes

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon spoke out April 25 against legislation that would make it harder for employees to prove they were fired because of discrimination. In a statement, the governor condemned a measure given final approval earlier this month by …

Missouri Conservatives Back Health Insurance Exchanges

Nearly one year after a federal law overhauling the nation’s health care system was enacted, Missouri lawmakers have taken a small step toward implementing some of its provisions by creating a health insurance exchange. The exchange would allow individuals and …