Articles by Elisabeth Behrmann and Wilfried Eckl-Dorna

Slumping EV Prices Force Carmakers to Repay Leasing Firms

Carmakers have begun compensating leasing companies for the sliding value of used electric cars as Tesla Inc.’s price cuts rip through an industry that must sell more EVs or face hefty fines. Ayvens, the biggest multi-brand leasing firm, already has …

Europe’s Most Important Trade Route Is at Risk From Climate Change

The Rhine River has been a reliable shipping lane for centuries, helping spawn industrial giants along its banks. But those days are coming to an end, and the scramble is made all the more urgent as Germany’s government fails to …

Ship Carrying BMWs and Mercedes Ablaze Off Dutch Coast Could Burn for Days

A cargo ship carrying almost 3,800 cars and construction vehicles is likely to continue burning for days, according to the Dutch coast guard, which is leading efforts to contain the blaze. BMW AG and Mercedes-Benz Group AG each have several …

Siemens Energy Investigates Wind Unit With Twin Taskforces

Siemens Energy AG has established an internal taskforce and supervisory board committee after a string of quality problems with its wind turbines triggered a record share price drop, a person familiar with the matter said. The groups will add scrutiny …

Wind Turbines That Shake and Break Cost Their Maker Billions

Wind turbines make money when they spin. But when they shake, it can cost billions. Siemens Energy AG is struggling to contain the fallout after discovering a main piece on the frame of its wind turbine can move or twist …