Articles by William Turton, Katrina Manson and Leslie Patton

Clorox Security Breach Linked to Group Behind Casino Hacks

A notorious group of hackers blamed for recent breaches on major casino companies is also suspected of being behind a recent cyberattack against Clorox Co. that has led to a nationwide shortage of its cleaning products. Officials suspect that “Scattered …

Group in Casino Hacks Skilled at Duping Workers for Access

The hacking group suspected of cyberattacks against two giant casino operators has quickly made a name for itself for its skills in social engineering, such as tricking someone to gain access to a computer system or another storehouse of sensitive …

Caesars Entertainment Paid Millions to Hackers in Attack

Caesars Entertainment Inc. paid tens of millions of dollars to hackers who broke into the company’s systems in recent weeks and threatened to release the company’s data, according to two people familiar with the matter. The disclosure of the alleged …

Microsoft’s Role in Email Breach to Be Part of Cyber Inquiry

A US cybersecurity advisory panel will investigate malicious targeting of cloud computing environments, including Microsoft Corp.’s role in a recent breach of government officials’ email accounts by suspected Chinese hackers, the Department of Homeland Security confirmed on Friday. The review …

Alleged Russian Hacker Charged in $200 Million Ransomware Spree

A Russian man was charged by US authorities in connection with his alleged role with multiple ransomware gangs that attacked hospitals, schools and police departments. Mikhail Pavlovich Matveev, who was known online as Wazawaka, was an active member of three …

Hackers Contacted Cybersecurity Firm CEO’s Son, Wife in Extortion Attempt

Hackers stole contracts from cybersecurity firm Dragos Inc. as part of an extortion attempt that included contacting the chief executive officer’s wife and 5-year-old son, according to a company blog post, documents provided by the suspected hackers and interviews. The …

Russian Cyberwar Against Ukraine Stumbles, Just Like Conventional One

Even before Russia invaded Ukraine, its hacking offensive was well under way. Suspected Russian hackers targeted Ukrainian government and financial websites with so-called distributed denial-of-service attacks aimed at creating chaos; they bombarded government, nonprofit and IT organizations with malicious software …

States Must Include Cybersecurity in Water System Audits, EPA Says

The Environmental Protection Agency issued a memorandum on Friday requiring states to analyze cyber defenses at public water systems during periodic audits. The audits, called sanitary surveys, are already required by the EPA to detect harmful chemicals. Water utilities are …

LastPass Says Hackers Stole Customer Data, Encrypted Passwords

LastPass, a password management service, announced on Thursday that hackers stole encrypted copies of customer passwords and other sensitive data such as billing addresses, phone numbers and IP addresses. The announcement is the latest update from a breach that occurred …

Top White House Cybersecurity Official Plans to Step Down

The US’s first national cyber director, Chris Inglis, is planning to step down in the coming months, according to a person familiar with the matter. Inglis has worked as one of President Joe Biden’s top cybersecurity advisers at a time …