Articles by Yasmeen Abutaleb, Lawrence Hurley and Dan Levine

Democratic Attorneys General Move to Defend Obamacare Insurer Subsidies

More than a dozen Democratic attorneys general on Thursday sought to intervene to defend a key part of the Obamacare healthcare law — subsidy payments to insurance companies — which is under threat in a court case. The 16 attorneys …

Republican Governors Have Own Ideas for Healthcare Reforms

A group of about a dozen Republican governors is pushing for its own set of national healthcare reforms, flexing its considerable muscle in the national debate over the future of Obamacare as the U.S. Senate begins writing its bill. Led …

Trump May Withhold Insurers’ Funds to Force Democrats to Negotiate Healthcare

U.S. President Donald Trump told The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday that he might consider withholding billions of dollars of Obamacare payments to health insurers to force Democrats back to the negotiating table on healthcare. Insurers and major medical groups …

Obamacare Explosion More Like a Slow Burn for Now

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that Obamacare was “exploding” after Republican lawmakers shelved legislation that would have dismantled the healthcare law. That’s not going to happen this month. Probably not even this year. The more than 12 million …

House Committees Advance Republican Health Care Plan Despite Critics

The Republican plan backed by President Donald Trump to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system cleared its first hurdles in Congress on Thursday, but its chances for passage looked uncertain and top Republicans scrambled to bring disgruntled conservatives aboard. In the …

House Republicans Unwrap Long-Awaited Obamacare Replacement Bill

Long-awaited legislation to dismantle Obamacare was unwrapped on Monday by U.S. Republicans, who called for ending health insurance mandates and rolling back extra healthcare funding for the poor in a package that drew immediate fire from Democrats. In a battle …

Trump Seeks Help from Insurers, Governors in Overhauling Health Insurance

President Donald Trump sought on Monday to bring the nation’s largest insurance companies on board with his plans to overhaul Obamacare, saying their help was needed to deliver a smooth transition to the Republicans’ new plan. “We must work together …

California Lawmaker Introduces ‘Superbug’ Infections, Death Reporting Bill

A California state senator introduced a bill on Monday that would mandate reporting of antibiotic-resistant infections and deaths and require doctors to record the infections on death certificates when they are a cause of death. The legislation also aims to …

Special Report: A Tale of Superbugs’ Deadly Costs

With good reason, Dan Greulich’s doctors called him “the miracle man.” In the span of a decade, the insurance company executive engaged not once, but twice, in a race with death as he awaited replacements for failing organs. And twice, …

Are States, Cities Equipped to Handle Ebola Emergencies?

The missteps in Dallas’s handling of the first Ebola case diagnosed in the United States have revealed an uncomfortable reality: state and city plans for handling the deadly virus are based on generic recommendations for everything from measles to floods, …