Articles by Andrea Wells, Don Jergler and Young Ha

Andrea Wells is vice president of content for Wells Media Group Inc., overseeing coverage for its multiple print and digital platforms. She is a veteran insurance journalist with more than 20 years’ experience covering the property/casualty industry. She has won several awards from the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE), including awards for original research for her work on Insurance Journal’s annual salary survey of retail insurance agencies and its annual survey of young insurance agents. She can be reached at:

50 Top Apps For Independent Agents

Mobility technology is changing the way the insurance industry operates. And when it comes to working on the go, nothing is as important as mobile device applications. But what apps do independent agents use most? What apps are the most …

Gun Liability Insurance Measures Facing Uphill Battle in State Legislatures

While lawmakers in most states have introduced measures in their current legislative sessions that address gun control and gun liability issues, their approaches vary widely, largely depending on the area of the country in which their states are located. Legislation …

W.R. Berkley Corp. Divests, Connecticut Bank Acquires InsurBanc

InsurBanc — a federal savings bank founded by the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America and W.R. Berkley Corp. a dozen years ago — has joined Connecticut Community Bank N.A., based in Westport, Conn., effective April 1. Under the …

Transitioning Jobs at MetLife

Insurance giant MetLife Inc. recently announced a plan to move some 2,600 positions into newly created facilities in North Carolina by the end of 2015. And this means a lot of folks in the Northeast could be facing some tough …

Agency M&A Advisory Firm Sees ‘Lack of Quality Acquisition Opportunities’

A mergers and acquisitions advisory firm focusing on the insurance agency sector says it is hearing more this year about “a lack of quality acquisition opportunities,” which could lead to fewer deals this year compared to 2012. MidCap Advisors, a …

Agency M&A Landscape

Insurance Journal recently had a chance to chat with executives from MidCap Advisors, a New York-based mergers and acquisitions firm. The firm focuses on small- and mid-size brokers and agencies, offering advice on issues ranging from raising capital to selling …

Closing Sandy Claims

It’s been more than three months since Superstorm Sandy wrought havoc across the East Coast last fall. And since then, the property/casualty insurance industry has stepped up to deliver its promise to customers and assist them in rebuilding their lives. …

No Insurance Implication for Weather Channel’s Decision to Name Winter Storms

The Weather Channel’s decision this winter season to start naming severe winter storms in the U.S. — such as bestowing the name “Nemo” for the massive Feb. 8-9 winter storm — most likely will not have any implication for “named-storm …

Insurers Say Latest CFA Study Is Flawed; Marketplace Is Highly Competitive

The new auto insurance pricing study from the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) is getting roundly criticized by insurance industry representatives. The representatives say that states’ auto insurance marketplaces are highly competitive, with most drivers having dozens of auto insurers …

Liability Insurance for Gun Owners?

As policymakers and legislators around the country continue to examine gun-control ideas, one Massachusetts lawmaker introduced this month what appears to be one of the more novel, out-of-the-box approach: requiring gun owners to purchase liability insurance. As the news article …