Articles by Laura Davison and Zachary Tracer

Geithner Asked Buffett for Opinion on AIG Before 2008 Bailout

Billionaire Warren Buffett said he gave an appraisal of American International Group Inc. to Timothy Geithner, then the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, just before it rescued AIG in 2008. Geithner asked “was there enough in …

MetLife Challenges Systemic Risk Designation

MetLife Inc., the largest U.S. life insurer, is challenging a U.S. finding that it poses a potential risk to the financial system if it were to fail. MetLife requested a hearing before the Financial Stability Oversight Council, or FSOC, to …

China’s Fosun to Invest in European, Japanese Insurers

Fosun International Ltd., the investment arm of China’s biggest closely held conglomerate, is considering making more bets on insurers outside its home country, Chief Executive Officer Liang Xinjun said. “We prefer investing in insurance companies in Europe and Japan,” Liang …

Deere Mulls Sale of Crop Insurance Business

Deere & Co., the world’s largest maker of agricultural equipment, hired Citigroup Inc. to look at strategic options for its crop insurance unit as it sells assets to focus on core businesses such as manufacturing. No formal decision has been …

Execs Hired by Berkshire Specialty Balked at AIG Philosophy: Benmosche

Robert Benmosche, who led American International Group Inc. for half a decade, said an emerging challenge from Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. hasn’t amounted to much so far. Buffett’s firm recruited AIG executives beginning last year to expand commercial coverage …

New CEO Hancock Puts Stamp on AIG Management in Shake-Up

American International Group Inc. named Kevin Hogan to lead its main life insurance business, putting him in charge of offerings for individuals, as new Chief Executive Officer Peter Hancock shakes up management. Hogan takes on the duties from life-unit CEO …

MetLife ‘Strongly Disagrees’ with Systemically Risky Designation

MetLife Inc., the biggest U.S. life insurer, was tentatively categorized as a systemically important financial institution (SIFI) by a panel of regulators, which would subject it to stricter Federal Reserve supervision. “MetLife strongly disagrees,” Chief Executive Officer Steven Kandarian said …

Principal Acquires Travelers’ Stake in NYC Office Tower for $117.6M

An affiliate of Principal Financial Group Inc. bought a 49 percent stake in 77 Water St., a lower Manhattan office tower in New York City, from fellow insurer Travelers Cos. for $117.6 million. The interest in the 26-story building was …

Hancock Takes Over at AIG After Benmosche’s ‘Great Leadership’: Miller

The leadership transition at insurer American International Group Inc. is like switching generals after winning a war, Chairman Steve Miller said. “We’re changing generals as we move from wartime to peacetime,” Miller, 72, said Tuesday in an interview with Bloomberg …

After ‘Terrible’ Cancer Diagnosis, Benmosche Accelerated Exit from AIG

Robert Benmosche, who is stepping down this weekend after five years as American International Group Inc.’s chief executive officer, said he learned in May that he had nine months to a year to live. Benmosche, 70, said in an interview …