Academy Journal

Cracking Under the Pressure of Workers’ Compensation: Testing Your Workers’ Compensation Knowledge

By | April 17, 2015

Test your knowledge of workers’ compensation by answering 21 questions covering the most important workers’ compensation facts and concepts. A wide array of work comp-specific topics is tested in this article:

  • What makes an injury compensable;
  • What is the “coming and going rule” and its exceptions;
  • When is a disease compensable;
  • What types of claims covered under employers’ liability;
  • Key audit rules and guidelines; and
  • The different types of “employees.”

Note that each question is assigned a point value. Challenge your friends, co-workers (if they are not your friends) and anyone else you think you can beat.

Answer will be published Monday, April 20.

The reference source for this quiz is “The Insurance Professionals’ Practical Guide to Workers’ Compensation: From History through Audit.”

Here goes:

1) What country was the first to implement a Workers’ Compensation System? (10 Pts)
2) Which US State was the first to pass a workers’ compensation-type law (ultimately struck down by the court as unconstitutional)? (10 Pts)
3) Which state passed the first WC law that withstood legal challenge? What year? (5 Pts)
4) “A person created by statute and ‘born’ with the filing of articles of incorporation or organization” defines what? (10 Pts)
5) To be compensable, an injury must meet three requirements; what are they? (10 Pts)
6) What phrase describes the point at which an employee departs from the course and path approved or anticipated by the employer? (15 Pts)
7) Injury suffered travelling to or home from work are generally not compensable. This is known as what? (15 Pts)
8) List two (2) of the five (5) exceptions to the rule in question 7: (10 Pts)
9) Four tests are applied when deciding whether an injury suffered during recreational activity is compensable; list two (2) of these tests: (10 Pts)
10) To be considered “occupational” and therefore compensable under workers’ compensation, a disease must arise out of or be caused by conditions _________ to the work. (5 Pts)
11) Stress-related illness (i.e. heart attack) is compensable if it can be proven that the stress leading to the heart attack was _________ or ___________. (10 Pts)
12) Which WC policy responds to an occupational illness? (5 Pts)
13) List the three main categories of benefits provided by workers’ compensation: (5 Pts)
14) List the four disability classifications: (5 Pts)
15) What were the two main goals of Second Injury Funds when they were created? (5 Pts)
16) According to the WC policy, up to how many years after expiration can the insurer audit a policy? (5 Pts)
17) List three types of remuneration EXCLUDED from the audit: (10 Pts)
18) List the four types of claims Employers’ Liability coverage is designed to cover: (10 Pts)
19) List the four exceptions to the “Governing Classification” rule: (15 Pts)
20) Four tests must be satisfied to qualify for the “Interchange of Labor” exception. What are they? (15 Pts)
21) There are four “types of employees. Two of the four “types” of employees for which your insured may be responsible for providing workers’ compensation benefits are:

  • “De Facto” employees
  • “De Jure” employees

Define each of these types of employees. (15 Pts)

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