Academy Journal

What’s the most important thing today?

I use the Academy Journal blog for a lot of different things. Sometimes, it’s technical, and quotes policy language. Other times, it’s more philosophical in nature and gets to what I think about things. Today’s post is going to be …

Burst Sewer Pipes, Condos, and Coverage

We had an interesting question come in this week so I thought I would address it publicly. I’ve edited the question for space and to avoid disclosing any identifiable details. “I live in a condo building. A sewage pipe burst, …

Overcoming Human Inertia

I don’t know if you’ve noticed this or not yet, but things are changing around us, and we don’t like change. I find one of the most powerful forces in our lives is the force of human inertia. You might …

Book Review: A Cuban Love Affair (it’s not what you’re thinking)

A good chunk of writing a blog is being willing to experiment and try new things. A few months ago, I tried something new in writing a book review on Bill Wilson’s When Words Collide. If you haven’t read that, …

Do they need coverage? Why do you ask?

A question came in today asking if a customer needed a specific insurance policy. In the cold, distant, academic realm where I spend my time, it would be easy to simply say, yes. They need insurance. In fairness, my answer …

Fix Assignments of Benefits Now

I recently received an email from a Florida “snow bird”. If you’re not familiar with the term, it refers to people who make their home in two places. In the warm months, they make their homes in northern climates, such …

Sometimes I Disagree with the Blogs I Love

I’m a fan of insurance news and bloggers. Here are some sites and blogs that I read daily (or weekly, depending on frequency). Insurance Journal – Of course. I was an IJ fan way before I became so closely related …

Insurance and the Local Economy

February is Insurance Careers Month and since insurance has been so good to my house, I feel compelled to participate. To paraphrase an old comedian, “If it hadn’t been for insurance, I would be in insurance today.” Our friends at …

7 Different Insurance Career Options

This is Insurance Careers Month. I really enjoy when this comes around every year. It’s a chance for me to remind some (and educate others) that the insurance industry is a great career to work in. It has been good …

What do you mean, I have to cover YOUR property?

The Academy Journal is pleased to present the following article by our friend, Craig Andrews. As questions come to me from property-casualty practitioners all over the country, one situation in particular seems to popping up more frequently. It can be …

Academy Journal Archives by Month