Academy Journal

I’m working on my CPCU. Why now?

If you could get a glimpse of my desk, you would think it’s a mess. At least my wife does. It isn’t really. It’s more of marginally organized chaos. I really can find what I want on my desk anytime …

Coinsurance is the Insured’s Friend

Coinsurance. For some of us, that’s one of the worst words that I could write. You’re already mad at me and you haven’t even read the first paragraphs. For many of us, it’s a word that you barely noticed. You’ve …

We Need Your Voice

I remember very clearly the conversation that launched me on the path that brought me to this blog, the Academy and all that comes with them (typing at my stand-up desk in my office in the top-secret Academy of Insurance …

When Words Collide: A Year Long Academy Event

Welcome to the new year. I hope that it is full of possibility for you and yours. If you’re a regular reader (and why wouldn’t you be?!?), you may notice that this is going out early this week. I had …

Holiday Policy Language: Christmas 2018 Edition

I hope that you’re having a wonderful holiday season. I’m still out for Christmas, but I wanted to make sure that I added a little humor to your week with a Christmas installment of Holiday Policy Language so without any …

Take a day and STOP, Part 3

Over the last two weeks, I’ve outlined my thoughts about why you should STOP and look ahead in your business. STOP is the pattern that we recommend for taking some time to plan for the next year or more of …

Take a day and STOP, Part 2

In last week’s post, we discussed the need to pull away and plan for your business. Let me remind you that the most sure way to get the same results that you’ve always gotten is to do what you’ve always …

Take a day and STOP, Part I

Not long after I came to lead the Academy, I started doing two things that I hadn’t really planned to do; two things that have turned into highlights in my weeks. I first started writing this weekly blog, and I …

5 Quick Questions Before I Read a Commercial Policy

It’s that time of year at the Academy. I’m pouring over spreadsheets and schedules. I’m emailing instructors and planning classes. Yeah. I’m trying to look ahead and work ahead, all while looking at today’s numbers and wondering how we’re going …

Holiday Policy Language: Thanksgiving 2018 edition

Since Thanksgiving is this week, I feel compelled to thank you for reading this blog. I have to thank one person in particular for talking (volun-telling?) me into writing this blog. When I started, I didn’t know what direction it …

Academy Journal Archives by Month