Academy Journal

My Thanksgiving Homeowners’ Policy Wishlist

If you’re like me and my family, you might need a little reminder of where we are in the calendar year. Thanksgiving is this week in the U.S. That’s your reminder. You’re welcome. By now, you’ve stopping thinking about insurance, …

What’s Your Learning Style?

Hop in the way back machine with my for a minute and try to remember back when you were in grade school. See if you remember this: when I was in school, we sat at our desks in class, the …

Everyone in Insurance Must Act in Good Faith

Think about an insurance policy for a minute. What is it for? Why buy it and for that matter, why sell it? Let’s not go to doubting our profession, but give it some thought. Why do people buy insurance? There …

Why Is THAT Excluded?

Exclusions. Insurance policies are full of them. I’ve been reading some policy forms lately. Some to study, others because they’re interesting to me. It’s kind of a sick hobby, I’ll admit, but it’s not hurting anyone and I’m not asking …

Doesn’t Special Form Mean Everything has Special Coverage?

Over the last several weeks, I’ve been looking at several policy forms because of different writing and teaching assignments. I’ve been looking especially at property forms. One way that property insurance has evolved over the last 200 years is in …

Does a CPP Cover Trees Knocked Over by a Hurricane?

Last week we entered into a discussion of downed trees, in particular, trees downed by a hurricane. We spent our time dealing with the HO-3 policy and how it responds. If you didn’t catch that, take a look at last …

How Does the Homeowners’ Policy Deal with Trees?

We went to a birthday party over the weekend. At one point the conversation spun into hurricane talk, as it does after a storm passes over. We had folks that live all over Florida and the questions always start with, …

If You Don’t Tell Your Story, Someone Else Will

I have to be a little transparent today. I’ve struggled with writing. I normally have this post written by mid day on Monday, read over it again on Tuesday, and uploaded to the site for publishing first thing Wednesday morning. …

Does ALE Coverage Include Cost to Evacuate?

Since the first forecasts showed Hurricane Harvey approaching Texas to the impact of Hurricane Irma in the Florida Keys, millions of people were ordered, recommended and asked to evacuate their homes. That gave rise to one question over and over. …

Do You Remember Before You Knew Insurance?

When Hurricane Andrew made landfall in August 1992, I was a young soldier. To be honest, I was much more interested in my young Army career than a hurricane. When Hurricane Katrina made landfall in August 2005, I had just …

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