Academy Journal

2 Hurricane Season Tips

June 1 marks the beginning of the most insurance-y time of the year. It’s the beginning of the annual Atlantic Hurricane Season. Oh yes. It’s that time of year. Since hurricane season only comes around once every year (and stays …

180 Days: Not a Reporting Deadline

Departments of Insurance exist, in part, to protect consumers from improper actions by insurance carriers. One of these actions is improper claims handling. A recent case in point involves a homeowners’ claim and the supposed late reporting of hail damage. …

I Don’t Blame Vyrd. I Blame the System.

I had planned to write and try and answer the question, how can Demotech give a brand-new company (Florida newcomer, Vyrd Insurance) an A rating before they even write a single policy. As I looked into the rating process (which …

A Personal Claim Story – Part 2

In what feels like a Neverending Story (cue the music), we are still dealing with that open property claim that you might have read about in this classic, A Personal Claim Story โ€“ Part 1. You’ve probably already guessed it, …

6 Answers to the Problem of Old Buildings

So far since the Champlain Tower collapse in July 2021, two other condominium buildings have been inspected, failed, and evacuated (Crestview Towers and Bayview 60) in Miami, Florida. In the meantime, the Florida legislature failed to take definitive action to …

That’s A Hard No

That’s a hard no. I like that phrase. Simple. Direct. Expresses exactly what I mean. Sometimes it’s just no. No negotiation. No compromise. Just no. Am I interested in someone buying my business? Especially since I don’t own it. Especially …

A Personal Claim Story – Part 1

I’ve been thinking about writing this and kind of going back and forth about how to do it or whether to do it. Since I can’t be wishy-washy all day, I have decided to go ahead and write about what’s …

3 Keys to Avoiding Employment Practices Issues Related to COVID

Last week, the Academy of Insurance hosted a class on the EPLI (Employment Practices Liability Insurance) implications of employers’ policies related to COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic response around the world included a rapid change from working in an office environment …

Yes and no

Yes and no. I’ve been saying yes to some new things lately. That means that I had to say no to some other things, which is ok. Every yes brings a no with it. That’s a good thing to remember …

What Kind of Work are We Doing?

A job is the work we do when we need to have work. Maybe there’s nothing else available. Maybe there’s nothing else that we’re qualified for. Often job describes that first position we held way back in the day. We …

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