Academy Journal

Underwriting Questions in the Sharing Economy

Here at Insurance Journal’s Academy of Insurance, the idea of the sharing economy has been a front burner item lately. This week’s webinar is the third (and last) this year on the subject and the second in three weeks. You …

6 Checkpoints Before You Have a Difficult Conversation

I’ve been on both sides of the desk, having a conversation that neither of us wanted to have. I’ve been the leader who needed to address an issue and I’ve been the person that has the issue that needs to …

Why Wait for Someone Else? Create Your Own Training Plan

I recently went back and looked at our survey results to read the comments again. I can’t help but thank you for your honesty and openness in leaving us your comments. As I read through the comments, one jumped off …

5 Words You Can’t Ignore in the Policy

Everywhere I look in my office, I see books, magazines, papers, and screens full of words. From my college books to an old family Bible to my insurance and business books, I’m surrounded by words. I have a laptop with …

3 Reasons Vacant Buildings Make Underwriters Twitch

I spent some time this weekend with some friends who live in another city. We were talking about their church and the neighborhood that its located in. I noticed that the building next door was up for sale so we …

3 Key Responsibilities of Experienced Insurance Leaders

If you’re a close follower of Insurance Journal’s Academy of Insurance, you already know that we recently conducted a State of Learning in Insurance survey. You may also be aware that we are holding a webinar on Thursday, March 23, …

4 Reasons that Maybe is My Favorite Insurance Word

Maybe. That’s a word that brings a whole lot of frustration with it, isn’t it? It brings back days when my sons asked about going someplace special, “Dad, are we going to Darien Lake this year?” Maybe. How about this …

Common Sense Reasons Health Insurance Costs Never Seem to Go Down

An interesting article came across my email this morning about legislation seeking to amend McCarran-Ferguson (McCarran-Ferguson solidified the regulation of the business of insurance at the state level, limiting Federal regulation of insurance). H.R. 372 seeks to repeal certain anti-trust …

5 Not-So-Surprising Results of our Survey (so far)

Last week, we launched our first State of Learning in Insurance survey and we are already learning about you and your learning needs. The survey isn’t over yet; we still need your input, but I thought I would give you …

2 Unbelievable Stories from My Underwriting Days

When I came to the Academy of Insurance, I am not sure that I knew what to expect. I didn’t expect all that came along with it. I knew that we would have a calendar of webinars and training events …

Academy Journal Archives by Month