Academy Journal

3 Quick Responses to Insurance Career Objections

I was looking at several resources on the Insurance Information Institute’s website ( and I might not have even stopped to read the survey, but the last bullet statement caught my eye. “Less than half of Americans would like to …

Data Breach: A Wide Coverage Gap for Small Business

Based on what we see in the trade press, it would appear most large businesses in the U.S. are addressing their exposure to data breaches in some way. But what about the small, Main Street businesses such as those we …

Does Your Agency Need a ‘Coverage Consultant’

Google the phrase “business consultant” and more than 21 million hits pop up available for review. Granted some of these are links to descriptions of what a business consultant is, but the majority of possible sites link to websites for …

Danger! They Think We’re Stupid

Unintentional injury is the leading cause of death among teenagers and adults 15 to 44. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than 43,000 people between 15 and 44 died in 2013 as a result of unintentional injury. …

How to Read ANY Insurance Policy

Rarely does any insurance practitioner, even hard core ones, undertake to read an entire policy, short of severe insomnia or boredom. Generally, a specific answer is being sought or a problem is being researched requiring review of only individual sections …

In the BAC 2+8+9 Do NOT Equal Symbol 1

Insurance Services Office’s (ISO’s) Business Auto Coverage (BAC) Form (CA 00 01) protects the named insured (“you”) against the financial consequences of its legal liability for bodily injury or property damaged not excluded by the policy and arising out of …

Filling the Gap in Contractors Professional and Pollution Liability

Coverage Part A of the Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy is limited in scope, extending coverage to claims arising out of only bodily injury (BI) and/or property damage (PD). Couple Part A’s limited scope with the CGL form’s absolute pollution …

Work Comp: Extraterritoriality and Reci-What? Isn’t the Worker Covered Wherever He Goes?

Beyond knowing where employees regularly work, agents must know where employees might work during the policy period – even temporarily. Workers’ compensation coverage gaps or the complete loss of protection are possible if employees are conducting operations on behalf of …

Can an Augmented Reality Game Lead to Legal Liability?

“Legally obligated,” “legally responsible,” “legally must pay,” and “legally liable” are all insurance policy terminology referring to the same concept – legal liability. Legal liability is liability imposed by the courts through common law or by statute on any person …

Millennials Don’t Rule the World – Revisited

Recently I wrote an article about Millennials, at least that’s what many assumed. The article actually focused on the mistakes being made in our attempts to entice Millennials to join the insurance industry. Some readers had knee-jerk reactions, and some …

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