Academy Journal

10 Steps to Management Success

Recently I’ve been reviewing some of history’s “management fads.” You know, the ones that looked good for a time but ultimately proved to be worthless, detrimental to your employees or impossible to institute. Because of this walk down management school …

Four Key Business Income Concepts

Business income protection is of utmost importance for any insured suffering a catastrophic property loss. To fully understand business income coverage and the protection the policy extends, four key business income definitions and concepts must be understood: Business income; Period …

What 25 Years in Insurance Has Taught Me!

Today is my 25th anniversary in this, the insurance business. I still very much enjoy the business (I don’t say I love it any more). During my tenure in the business I have learned many, many things about people and …

Additional Insureds and Reduced Coverage Limits!

Commercial general liability (CGL) claims involve three parties: 1) the insured(s); 2) the insurer; and 3) the injured. CGL coverage part “A” is designed to protect all insureds against the financial consequences of “bodily injury” or “property damage” claims made …

Coinsurance: The Property Insurance Version of a 4-Letter Word

Coinsurance provisions found in property policies exist primarily to assure that the insurance carrier receives adequate premium for the property insured. Without a coinsurance condition, and its applicable penalties, insureds might be willing to purchase an amount of coverage somewhat …

“YOU SUCK!”: Your Personal Lines Clients and Their Tweets, FB Posts and Yelps!

Recently I ordered a pizza from a national chain (no, not the one you’re thinking) and it was quite late arriving at my home. So late, in fact, that I called the store 45 minutes after I placed my order …

Drone Coverage: Into the Great Unknown

Insurance Services Office (ISO) recently released a “matched set” of drone-related endorsements for use with the commercial general liability (CGL) policy: three exclusionary endorsements and three “limited coverage” endorsements. All six endorsements have a 06 15 edition date and are …

Price is Important! Well, Not So Much!

What steps do you take to assure your client has the best insurance carrier? The “best” carrier is the one that best combines coverage (protection), service, and price. Coverage (Protection) Why do your clients buy insurance? Most say, “Because they …

4 Commercial Auto Endorsements Every Insured Should Consider

Insurance Services Office (ISO) lists more than 100 endorsements available for use with the business auto policy (BAP) (the total number varies by state). Out of this mass of policy-altering endorsements, most designed to meet the needs of a specific …

7 Reasons to NEVER Extend Business Auto Coverage to an Employee-Owned Auto

First, the Reasons to NEVER Extend BAC Protection to an Individually-Owned Auto The employee’s Personal Auto Policy (PAP) extends coverage for most business uses of a covered auto. Using a BAC rather than a PAP may be a form of …

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