Academy Journal

Flood, Flood, or Flood: What is Really Meant When a ‘Flood’ Loss is Reported? – Part I

Part I “We’ve had a flood,” says the commercial insured. “Oh, no!” the agent says as he quickly reviews the file documentation to confirm whether flood coverage was even offered. Then the key question is asked, “What happened?” What really …

Cracking Under Pressure: Answers to the Workers’ Compensation Quiz

We gave you the questions on Friday; you have had all weekend to ponder your responses. Here are the answers for which you have been waiting. Good luck, we hope you do well. 1. What country was the first to …

Cracking Under the Pressure of Workers’ Compensation: Testing Your Workers’ Compensation Knowledge

Test your knowledge of workers’ compensation by answering 21 questions covering the most important workers’ compensation facts and concepts. A wide array of work comp-specific topics is tested in this article: What makes an injury compensable; What is the “coming …

Audit Problems Leading to Additional Premiums

Let’s dispense with the niceties and all attempts to eloquently ease into a discussion on the troubles surrounding workers’ compensation audits. Rather let’s jump right into the problem — assignment of “employee” status to non-employees. This is not the only …

Audit Rules and Guidelines – Part II

Part I of this two-part audit rules and guidelines article presented the section of the work comp policy making the audit possible. It also presented what remuneration was included and what was excluded for premium audit purposes. Part II details …

Audit Rules and Guidelines – Part I

Workers’ compensation coverage is initially priced on an estimated basis. The insured estimates payrolls (and sometimes class codes) at the beginning of the policy period for the upcoming year on which the insurance carrier charges a premium using the prescribed …

Combinability of Insureds

Consolidating separate legal entities’ loss experience to develop a common experience modification factor has the potential to cause confusion for the client and sometimes the agent. Clients may view such mixing of loss experience due simply to common majority ownership/interest …

Work Comp for PEOs and Their Client/ Employers

Professional employer organizations (PEOs) began their rise after the adoption of the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 cleared a path for the creation and expansion of such entities. Between 700 and 900 professional employer organizations operate in …

Nonemployee ‘Employees:’ The Borrowed Servant Doctrine – Part II

Part I of this “nonemployee, employee” mini-series introduced the three types of “employers” and began the discussion regarding what constitutes or creates control. Part II completes the conversation on establishing “control,” briefly describes common types of borrowed servants and introduces …

Nonemployee ‘Employees:’ The Borrowed Servant Doctrine – Part I

“The vital test in determining whether a workman furnished by [the primary employer] is a servant of [the special employer] is whether they (the employee(s)) are subject to the “special employer’s” control or right of control not only with regard …

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