Academy Journal

2 Reasons COVID-19 Legislation is the Wrong Solution

Back in March and April, I gave two webinars on COVID-19 for the Academy of Insurance. If you haven’t had a chance to take those, click here to get the Academy of Insurance COVID-19 related classes. One of the topics …

3 Reasons People Don’t Buy Homeowners’ Insurance

I recently learned about two separate times when families lost everything when their homes burned. These are tragic losses and thankfully, the only things that were lost were replaceable items. No one got hurt, but they did wake up the …

3 Ways to Maximize Your Learning

Insurance learning should be an ongoing part of every insurance professional’s life. Many of us have licenses that require us to attend classes and get continuing education credit. Some states require certain classes and some states require you to avoid …

3 Reasons COVID-19 Business Income Suits Should Not be Combined

Recently a U.S. Judicial Panel on multidistrict litigation denied a proposal to consolidate cases related to business income losses related to coronavirus. Read that story on Insurance Journal here. This was the right decision. To set the stage, as of …

One Step After You’ve Had It

Have you ever had one of those “I’ve had it!” moments? I mean, you look around and decide that where you are is not where you want to be? Whether it’s in your work, your life, your relationships, or your …

Which Needle Are We Moving?

Have you ever noticed how much is made about moving needles? This action will move the needle. That action won’t move any needles. Something else moves the wrong needle. And? What needles are we moving and why do they need …

7 months

Seven months. You turned around today to realize that the year is Seven months old. Your plan for 2020 is Seven months old. Your expectations for 2020 are Seven months old. It’s time to take all of your plans and …

3 Whys for Making Insurance Policies Easier to Read

I was recently asked this question. What do you think about efforts to simplify policy language? The answer is never as simple as it seems at first. The simple answer is that I’m for making the insurance policy easier to …

Happier Without Some Stuff

People are highly adaptive. Don’t believe me? Move into a smaller home. You’ll find out that after a little while, you’ll settle into a new routine. You’ll also look around one day and wonder why you kept all that stuff …

3 Quick Hurricane Season Tips (Just a Little Late)

So far hurricane season has been uneventful unless you consider the giant Saharan dust cloud that traveled across the Atlantic. That just means that now is a great time for a few important hurricane season reminders. Review your hurricane season …

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