Burand’s Agency E&O

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #5

Minor items do cause E&O claims and sometimes your carriers exploit these minor items. Almost every agency occasionally receives law suit papers and every agency knows they have to forward these papers to the carrier immediately. The papers the agency …

Burand Agency E&O Blog: Tip #4

Do you ever advise your clients the company issued their policy with errors so you’ll send it to them once the company reissues the policy with corrections? The exposure this seemingly good customer service creates is significant. First, if the …

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #3

Insurance agency errors and omissions (E&O) situations and solutions from consultant Chris Burand. Tip #3 Do you follow-up in writing when your insurance proposal is rejected? The failure to take this step can result in some insureds going without insurance …

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #2

Insurance agency errors and omissions (E&O) situations and solutions from consultant Chris Burand. Tip #2 Always use a coverage analysis checklist on new and renewal business! When was the last time you went to the hardware store or grocery store …

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #1

Insurance agency errors and omissions (E&O) situations and solutions from consultant Chris Burand. Tip #1 When was the last time you checked to make certain your producers and agency staff were using current and up-to-date proposals? Using outdated material is …

Burand’s Agency E&O Archives by Month